Thunderstorms are a primary reason for deaths in the rainy seasons. A thunderstorm is a very disturbing sight wherein the weather isn’t cooperative at all. During a thunderstorm, acting quickly and smartly is important. Water can be fateful for us in mysterious ways. The effect of lightning is huge on the physical and mental health of victims. Bearing the pain, the restrictions that follow, and the dependency on someone is the worst feeling ever. During a thunderstorm, trees, cars, and ceilings of homes are literally thrown away by the force of the wind.
The floods caused during a thunderstorm can cause fire breakouts and electrical mishaps. An electric accident is a high possibility to occur. It can especially harm children and older adults with mobility issues if any. Some expensive belongings or treasured belongings can get destroyed during a thunderstorm.
Here Are 5 Tips to Stay Safe During a Thunderstorm:
1. A robust building:

You should get under shelter immediately. A robust building means a good foundation and sturdy walls. Once a building is found, be in a room where there are no windows, be in the basement, or the lowest possible floor. All this will help you to protect yourself from the strong winds. The winds are really strong and at a higher speed during a thunderstorm. If you’re traveling, immediately stop and seek shelter in a sturdy building as described. Do not keep traveling during a thunderstorm.
2. Do a mock practice:
There’s a high possibility of getting anxiety or a hyper-reaction during a thunderstorm. So, if you live in a region where such incidents are quite common, be in the practice of handling the same. Do a mock practice of the same. Yes, you read it right. To avoid confusion and disorientation, practice it a bit. Be sure of all the family members know what they have to do. Especially help kids and dependent adults who have mobility issues. Also, go through the guidelines laid down by your government. There is government support provided during such times.
3. Practice emergency skills:
Learn the tact of providing CPR to anyone. It is a life-saving hack to learn CPR. General knowledge about giving first aid is also a must. You never know which medical emergency will occur during a thunderstorm. CPR is the skill of providing oxygen to any person running out of the same. It is a tact everyone should be in practice during the mock practice itself. A basic medical kit should consist of all the necessary items that are necessary in order to be safe.
4. Keep electronic items away:
Tube lights, mobile chargers, and all other electrical gadgets should be kept aside. You will not have the basic things available. Those are gas, lights, and water. Make arrangements to live without them. Make a plan to take care of medical equipment, cell phones, and other important medical equipment.

Cell phone safeguarding is a must. You may feel the need to contact someone in case of emergencies. So keeping the phone safe and saving it from getting spoilt is a must. Don’t let the phone drown in water but do not keep it with you or near you. Phones attract waves which can bring the lightning effect near you.
5. Try to go indoors:
If you’re outside of your home, try to seek shelter. Outdoors, no place is safe to be. Lightning can be struck anywhere and at any given moment. You cannot predict the scene of it. Do not take shelter under a tree. You should strictly find a ceiling shelter like a home or a concrete shelter with a sturdy build.
Safety Tips If Outdoors:
1. Seek shelter:
If you are traveling, try to shift indoors in a hotel or a building. Be on the lowest floor as much as possible. If you cannot find shelter, pull your vehicle to a place where there are no trees. Trees may fall on you or your car and can cause damage.
2. Avoid hilly areas and isolated trees:

Do not be in hilly areas as they can be the most dangerous during a thunderstorm. Hilly areas are more prone to suffer lightning as the weather is prone to it. If in a hilly area, try to get down and find shelter. Get down and exit the hilly area as soon as possible. At the same time, try to contact someone to pick you up. Exiting the premises will be faster in such a case.
3. If with a group, keep distance between:
If you are outdoors and traveling, keep a distance between two people while exiting. Lightning can fall on any person. So, to prevent the same, to avoid a single lightning stroke affecting two people, keep a safe distance between two people. Do not get hyper or stressed. Be calm and keep the presence of mind. Over-reacting seeing the thunderstorm will cause issues. You won’t be able to think and function properly. You may act the exact opposite as expected due to anxiety.
4. No being near water and metal:
You aren’t allowed to be near water and metal objects. Both these elements support lightning and are very prone to the same. Being near these may cause injuries and it may affect you for lifelong. Of course, you don’t want to suffer from any ailments. So be careful of being near water and metal objects.
When facing a thunderstorm, these are some of the basic things you need to take care of. Practice thoroughly what to do during a thunderstorm. Be in the right state of mind and do not panic. Give proper training to older adults and children as they need help. Keep the training process simpler for everyone to understand.
Follow the mentioned guidelines in order to be safe during a thunderstorm. There is a 30-second gap between a thunderstorm and lightning. Observe the sound and light frequencies. When needed, only then move from one place to another. Do not move when lightning is about to strike, if outdoors. Be safe and take adequate care of yourself!