Being on the road as you get older can be risky. A lot of things are happening around you when you’re on the road. You must stay safe on the road as your reflexes or responses are decreased. There are many older adults who want the independence of driving or walking on the road. At times, you may suffer from body aches, joint aches, etc., which may cause you difficulty while driving or walking, on the road especially.
To stay safe on the road, you must follow some basic rules on the road when walking or driving. Aging comes with no positive but negative changes in life. When on the road, follow these steps.
Here are 7 Tips to Stay Safe on the Road While driving:
1. Eyesight & hearing test:
To stay safe on the road, a basic thing to do is an eye test and ear test. As we age, the eyes and ears are the first organs to get affected. Lesser vision or hearing capacity will make it difficult to drive or walk at night. Blurry visions and hearing loss can cause accidents. You may not see or hear a vehicle passing from any side of you. It’ll make it difficult for you to walk or drive on the road.
2. Shun distractions:
You need to stay safe on the road when you’re driving, no matter what your age is. Exercising safe driving practices like no use of a phone when driving, seat belt on at all times, less radio volume and no eating while you drive are some of the basic things to follow. Set the mirror angles of the vehicle as per your need to be able to see other cars approaching.
3. Drive less at night:
To stay safe on the road, avoid driving at night. As you’re aging, your abilities to see and hear are deteriorated. Driving less will help you avoid any fatal accidents. Try to drive in daylight and in good weather conditions too.
4. No over-speeding:
Overspeeding is one of the most ignored things. To stay safe on the road, speed limits must be abided by. Excessive speeding or low speeds are the causes of most accidents. Speed issues cause every 1 in 3 accidents. The accelerator used must not be underestimated to stay safe on the road.
5. Obey traffic rules:
To stay safe on the road, this is the most basic thing one can do. Traffic rules are perfect examples of road safety. No jumping of red signals, speed control whenever necessary and not being a nuisance to fellow drivers are some things to follow.
6. Seat belt on:
Your seatbelt must be put on each time. To stay safe on the road, putting on a seat belt is very important. If the vehicle collides, the chances of you being saved from fatal injuries are 60%. Not only the driver, but the passengers also should put on seat belts.
7. Drive feature-loaded car:
Keeping your age in mind, you must drive a car that is loaded with safety features. There are cars available that notify you about any warning signs in the car or on the road.
Here are 7 Tips to Stay Safe on the Road While walking:
1. Take shortcuts:
Avoid taking long routes. Your lower limb may not be as strong now as you’ve aged. Taking longer routes may not turn out as you expect it to. Shortcuts are better keeping in mind the weather too. Rains, excess sunlight, or cold weather, whatever the season, shortcuts are always better.
2. No assumptions:
Doing guesswork like the driver can see me isn’t encouraged. Walking on the road in assumptive nature can cause accidents. A driver’s sight can be affected on the road due to sunlight, dust on the road, or parked vehicles on the road.
3. Let the cars stop:
To stay safe on the road, you should move when all the other vehicles have stopped moving. See whether all the cars have stopped or not before you move. Do as the traffic lights guide you.
4. Footpath:
Footpath is for pedestrian use. If you’re walking on a busy road and not using the footpath, fatal accidents can happen.
5. Initiate eye contact:
If you’re getting off a surface like a footpath or a step after which the road starts immediately, make eye contact with the driver. Making eye contact will alert the driver and be aware you’re there. This will help to prevent accidents.
6. Wear bright clothes:
This will help passers-by on the road to recognize you. You’ll be easily noticed and accidents cannot happen. Even if your vision and hearing are decreased, wearing bright-colored clothes can save you.
7. Beware of cyclists:
Some cyclists use the footpaths, or pathways in parks. If you’re on a curb, check for cyclists approaching. They can be more difficult to handle than cars and motorbikes. If you’re walking on the curb, be on the left side while leaving the other side for the cyclists.
Due to increased age, poor eyesight, and lower hearing capacity, you need to follow the above-mentioned points. Walking and driving when you’re above a certain age, should be done considering some of these points. Prevention is always better than cure. Watching out for bigger vehicles like buses or trucks and being considerate on the road about them will save you from any fatalities.