Life takes a significant shift, post pregnancy. You have the additional responsibility of taking care of the child, and managing daily tasks at home and your work too. Also, before we forget, this may not be your only child. So, considering all these situations, lose weight post pregnancy can be quite intimidating. Often, women are concerned about their health after the delivery of a child. They see themselves as heavy and ugly, which shouldn’t be the thought at any cost. If this is the first child, you may plan for a second one. So, to keep fit is an important aspect.
To lose weight post pregnancy, a woman needs to do a whole lot of things. Some may suggest diet, exercise, Yoga, or a disciplined lifestyle. While all of this is true to an extent, imagine doing all this while taking care of a child who needs constant attention. It is next to impossible. But it can be done.
Suggesting 9 Ways to Lose Weight Post Pregnancy:
1. Flexible workout routine:
Fixing a workout time is not going to help lose weight post pregnancy. As the baby can need you anytime, you have to leave everything to go and attend to his needs. Light exercises are a thing that can be started 2 weeks after the delivery. Exercises like only walking slowly are allowed. Later, postpartum exercises after some time are recommended. Surf the internet when you have time or while the baby is asleep, to see the exercises.
2. Balanced and healthy diet:

To lose weight post pregnancy, you need to keep a watch on what you eat. Diet is the most important aspect to control when it comes to losing weight at any time. Not necessarily post pregnancy only. To lose weight, a combination of workouts with a healthy diet is a win-win. Also, you need to consider the quantity of what you eat.
3. Rest is important:
In all the havoc to lose weight post pregnancy, the rest factor gets ignored. The baby keeps waking up during the night for breastfeeding, which disturbs the mother’s sleep substantially. As it is an unavoidable circumstance, the mother sacrifices sleep. She has to work out, be present for the child at all times, and lose weight too, to be in good health. In all this, rest is sidelined. Whenever needed, get some rest in between as needed.
4. Achievable weight loss goals:
In light to lose weight post pregnancy, women are overly obsessed with the weight they have put on. They end up setting a hard routine for their workout that becomes tough for them to follow. More workout means more weight loss isn’t the right thing to follow. This only leads you exhausted. It will tire you way too much. Set standards that help you to lose weight in the way you can do it.
5. You are allowed to miss workouts:
To lose weight post pregnancy, do not over-stress. You are allowed to miss a workout, considering the amount of your misaligned routine. Don’t work out if you don’t feel like doing it for once. Once in a while missing the workout is fine. Keep energy conserved for the baby as you have to be behind it 24*7. If the baby allows you, have a good nap once in a while.
6. Eat snacks that are healthy:

Have proteins and vitamin-rich foods post pregnancy. Your daily routine is totally changed after you welcome a baby. So, eat foods that give you energy and activity. Sweet food, fried and junk food is a thing to be avoided, as you have already gained some weight which you are trying very hard to lose, isn’t it?
7. Consume more fiber, less sugar:
Have citrus foods that are rich in fiber, vitamin C, and antioxidants. Refined sugar, packed fruit juices, and sugar-infused drinks are not recommended. Foods that are rich in protein like eggs, nuts, seeds, legumes, etc will help you be energetic. Lethargy and laziness won’t be the feelings you experience. Consider having a glass of milk before you sleep. It is rich in vitamins and good for muscle building too.
8. Alcohol is prohibited:
Alcohol intake encourages calorie intake. Some studies have suggested a small quantity of alcohol is not harmful, but it contributes to the excess of sugar intake. Alcohol always acts as a reason for weight gain, due to the calories present in there. Also, lactating mothers aren’t recommended intake of alcohol. There is no evidence of the safe level of alcohol for infants, so it is ideal not to consume the same.
9. Exercise with your baby:

Find fun ways to do your workout with your baby. If you’re walking as an exercise, walk 2 to 3 more laps while holding your baby. As the baby has some weight, it will help strengthen you as you carry weight. Work out when the baby is asleep. Also, when it is in a playful mood, you can do your workout. The baby enjoys what it sees. Play with the baby while you work out. It’s the best way to bond with your baby.
To lose weight post pregnancy, is the primary desire of a new mother. The carrying of that extra weight pot pregnancy is quite common. Your body has gone through a major transformation, keep that in mind. For the last 9 months, you have been through a lot, physically and mentally as well. Give yourself the time to bounce back. Forecast about the near future, see where you want to be in your personal and professional life in the next 2 years. Plan for giving time to your baby and to your work accordingly. Set your routine in that sense, and keep doing the above listed things.
Also Read: 7 Ways to Relieve Morning Sickness during Pregnancy