Natura Biotechnol – Comprehensive Botanical Solution

Natura Biotechnol - Botanical Solution | Pankaj Varshney | The Lifesciences Magazine

The number of persons suffering from chronic diseases has increased due to changing lifestyles. Today’s medical professionals are searching for a more creative way to treat these illnesses while minimizing their adverse effects. Botanical extracts have also become apparent as game-changers in all of this study. Because of its pharmacological and therapeutic benefits, botanical extracts are frequently used in the healthcare sector today.

Natura Biotechnol is one such business that offers comprehensive botanical solutions for healthy living, and it is featured in this issue of The Enterprise World’s list of The Most Influential Healthcare Leaders in 2021.

Let’s learn more about their goods and services in this interview with Pankaj Varshney, the CEO and Director of Natura Biotechnol.

1. What Motivated the business?

I spent nearly a decade working for private enterprises after receiving my post-graduate degree in chemistry. During my time working for these companies, I significantly improved my ability to produce extracts from practically all varieties of herbals, as well as my marketing abilities. The biographies of successful business people who provided new directions and opened up new work chances for the masses throughout these years moved and encouraged me. I chose to do R&D, manufacture, and marketing of herbal extracts, I will create my own startup.

2. Give us additional information about Natura Biotechnol.

Fortunately, I met someone at that time who appeared to be thinking along similar lines and who was one of my acquaintances. A business idea soon emerged, and Natura Biotechnol Private Limited was the name and style of the company that was floated. The Natura Biotechnol was first promoted by women in the years 2012–2013. They are Directors in the company, just like us, and together we make up a strong board that oversees the business.

3. What were the first difficulties?

The Natura Biotechnol will soon reach its ninth anniversary. However, there were some hiccups along the way. Despite having experience in the field, we encountered significant difficulties in the early years when it came to securing financing, assuring and persuading our customers about the quality of extracts, herbals, etc., the quality and dependability of analytical tests, obtaining high-quality raw material on a regular basis, etc. Identifying posed yet another difficulty for achieve a high volume of sales in the beginning.

4. What makes your business so successful over the long term?

The essence of our Teamwork, professional approach to business is the main driver of our continuing success. Our USPs at Natura Biotechnol have been our dedication to quality, competitive pricing, prompt delivery, R&D in herbal extract technology, rigorous adherence to ethical and fair business procedures, and constant interaction with our clients. I have created a respectful environment for our company and am now respected both domestically and internationally.

5. What did your company’s turning point look like?

After persistently pursuing a contract for bulk supply from a few businesses for three to four years with big Ayurveda producers, Natura Biotechnol was able to break the ice. This significant occurrence in our company’s business history gave us a major breakthrough in terms of both business and confidence and morale. Because Natura Biotechnol was so enthusiastic, we were able to quickly finalize MOUs with a few additional reputable businesses. The company’s sales increased throughout the course of nine years of operation, rising from Rs. 300 lakhs in FY 2012–13 to Rs. 2800 lakhs in FY 2020–21.

Those Items / Services

The marketing of herbal extracts, nutraceuticals, dietary supplements, cosmeceuticals, etc. is the primary focus of Natura Biotechnol. Natura Biotechnol focuses on a bulk supply of herbal extract as an ingredient, even if we provide various types of herbal extracts in a variety of forms and versions. Our marketing team is incredibly aggressive and proactive. We maintain a regular watch on the marketplace to investigate fresh possibilities for the creation and supply of novel and interesting goods. We are equally aggressive when it comes to exports and provide goods to nations like the USA, EU countries, UAE, GULF, etc.

6. What sets your business apart?

Additionally, Natura Biotechnol offers Technical Consultancy on their applications in the creation of new goods. When it comes to quality, test results, and other post-sale issues, Natura Biotechnol stands firmly by our customers. We provide the necessary documentation to prove our sales’ authenticity. adding more goods or services In our company, research and development in the field of herbal extraction technology are ongoing activities. New items are regularly produced, tested, and introduced to the market, as well as new and updated versions of current ones. The process of growing our offering of goods and services is ongoing.

7. What are an entrepreneur’s duties in terms of leadership?

We come from a family of business owners. I came to understand what it takes to be an entrepreneur after starting the business. For me, the early years were quite difficult. Responsibilities of an Entrepreneur I firmly believe that in order to be a successful entrepreneur, you must have patience, tolerance for unfavorable circumstances, persistence after difficulties, a problem-solving mindset, professional abilities, skills, and a genius for getting things done, among other qualities.

Entrepreneurs must make all of their own decisions, so it is crucial for them to take ownership of those decisions and stand by them. An businessperson

Due to the possibility of being duped and tricked by a number of people, he must exercise discretion and diligence.

I have been working in the herbal industry for almost 20 years now. Research and development, marketing, and the purchase of herbals are my three main interests. Additionally, I actively consult others on extraction and formulation.

8. What are some of your most notable successes?

According to my perspective, my greatest accomplishment is that I’ve transitioned from being a job seeker (salaried employee) to a job provider, supporting around 40 families with jobs and income. In addition to Natura Herbal Ashram (LLP), which I recently established, PAR CHEMBIO PVT. LTD specialises in the marketing of pharmaceutical products.

9. What distinguishes your team?

I consider my employees to be co-partners. I feel obligated to take reasonable care of my coworkers and fellow employees. My approach to managing human resources is built on the team members’ confidence, cooperation, and mutual trust. In order for my employees to accomplish their jobs to the best of their abilities and with a sense of accountability, I firmly think that I should give them complete independence. Workers in my organisation receive all the welfare services mandated by law.

I’ve committed myself to serving the healthcare industry after developing competence in producing herbal extracts and formulating medications, offering consulting services, and treating illnesses with the help of my friends’ Ayurvedic extracts in a fairly large closed circuit.

by offering high-quality care at extremely low prices. To cure serious illnesses including cancer, kidney, heart, and other disorders, I propose opening an ashram hospital. Ashram must offer complete indoor and outdoor patient facilities in addition to resources for Ayurveda education. I, “HERBAL BABA,” have been listed as the managing partner of Natura Herbal Ashram in its registration documents.

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