The WHO declares Marburg Virus as a Disease Outbreak in Guinea

The WHO declares Marburg Virus as a Disease Outbreak in Guinea | The Lifesciences Magazine

The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared an outbreak of Marburg virus disease in Guinea. This announcement comes after a laboratory test confirmed two cases of the deadly virus in the West African nation.

What exactly is the Marburg Virus?

Marburg virus disease is a highly infectious and often fatal illness that is caused by a virus from the same family as Ebola. The virus is transmitted through bodily fluids and can cause severe bleeding, fever, and organ failure. The WHO has sent a team of experts to Guinea to help contain the outbreak and prevent it from spreading. The organization has also activated a coordinated global response to support the government of Guinea in its efforts to control the outbreak.

In a statement, the WHO expressed its concern over the outbreak and called for increased vigilance in the affected areas. The organization also urged people to take precautions to protect themselves and their communities from the virus. The outbreak in Guinea marks the first time that Marburg virus disease has been reported in the country. It is also the first outbreak of the virus in West Africa since an outbreak in Angola in 2005, which resulted in over 400 deaths.

Challenges to Expect

The WHO has warned that the current outbreak could be particularly challenging, given the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic in the region. The organization has stressed the importance of maintaining essential health services, including vaccination programs, while also responding to the Marburg outbreak. The announcement of the Marburg virus disease outbreak in Guinea has sparked concern among health experts and the public.

However, the WHO has emphasized that it is working closely with the government of Guinea and other partners to control the outbreak and prevent it from spreading further. The organization has also urged people to remain calm and continue to follow public health guidelines, such as practicing good hygiene and wearing masks in public. By working together and taking appropriate measures, the global community can help to contain the outbreak and protect the health and well-being of people in Guinea and beyond.

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