The healthcare industry is in an advantageous position for expansion on a global scale. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), Healthcare related jobs are increasing and are expected to grow at a faster rate than positions in any other occupational category between the years 2019 and 2029. 1 Just taking into consideration this fact should be enough to keep the idea of working in the medical field in the back of your mind. When changing careers, one of the most important things to do is to look for a job that meets both your current and future requirements as closely as possible.
The good news is that Healthcare related jobs are increasing, regardless of your abilities and educational background.
Here is Why Healthcare related jobs are increasing in other sectors;
1. The Expanding Human Population

It is anticipated that the population of the United States will grow by around 10.8 percent throughout the course of the current decade. Due to the rise in population, there will be a greater need for more healthcare services as well as service providers. It is anticipated that this expansion would lead to an increase in the number of jobs available for healthcare managers as well as other fields within the healthcare employment market.
2. The Baby Boomer Generation and an Increasingly Graying Population
The amount of employment available in the healthcare industry is being severely affected by the continued aging of the population, which includes the large number of “Baby Boomers” who are now entering their senior years. It is anticipated that the population of persons aged 65 and over will increase by almost 40 percent between the years 2012 and 2022; this will be the quickest growth rate of any age group. In general, the requirements of an aging population will be more for healthcare providers to meet when compared to the needs of a younger population.
As a result of the consequences of an aging population, there will be an increase in the number of employment available in the healthcare business, particularly for healthcare managers and healthcare professionals. Students may immediately interact with this developing industry via a broad selection of online degree programs in gerontology and clinical nurse specialist studies.
3. Chronic Conditions

As the population as a whole continues to live longer, the average age of the general population will continue to rise, which will result in a greater number of individuals than ever before seeking treatment for chronic illnesses, such as diabetes and obesity. For the purpose of preventing, managing, and treating the health problems that are connected with these chronic illnesses, there will be a need for an increase in the number of healthcare workers. This need will have a significant impact on almost all sectors of employment in the healthcare industry, including the requirement for an increased number of workers in the healthcare management sector to have advanced degrees.
4. Medical Advances
Another factor that contributes to the expansion of the healthcare business is the development of new medical treatments as well as advancements in both technology and medicine, both of which have an impact on Healthcare related jobs are increasing and are in the demand. This results in an increase in the number of employment opportunities available to people who are required to offer these services. Individuals who have a master’s degree in healthcare management will have a lot of options to choose from when it comes to filling these roles.
5. The New Healthcare System
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, more often known as Obama Care, is the law that is being passed in the United States that would overhaul healthcare insurance on the federal level. This law is producing significant shifts in Healthcare related jobs are increasing.

The number of individuals in the United States who seek regular medical treatment is expected to grow as a result of new laws and the increased need for comprehensive health insurance coverage. These shifts in the proportion of the population that will now own health insurance will almost certainly result in a substantial Healthcare related jobs are increasing.
6. Medical Treatment Is Moving Away From Institutions Like Hospitals and Into the Community
There has been no reduction in the need for acute treatment; rather, the emphasis placed on controlling healthcare expenditures has led to an increased interest in population health (also called community or public health).
The practice of providing preventative treatment in the patient’s own home or in community health clinics, as opposed to waiting until someone is sick enough to need hospitalization, is becoming more popular.
Yet, in order to accommodate this transformation, there will need to be new types of caregivers, such as those who work in public health care, handle cases, and advocate for patients. In the next years, there will be a greater need for this atypical healthcare personnel, which means that more of them will need to be employed and educated.
7. The Role of Technology in Health Care Will Continue to Grow
There is no shadow of a doubt that technological advancement and advances in medical treatment are inextricably intertwined. When new technologies enter the market, whether as a response to a problem that is generally perceived as needing a solution or as the answer to a question that has not yet been asked, the industry has no choice but to act. This is true whether the new technology is the answer to a question that has not yet been asked.

Even while some people warn against the use of “novelty medicine,” which is something that certainly has merit, technological advancements are unavoidable in the medical field. As a consequence of this, in the years to come, there will be an increased need for more professionals to design solutions, test solutions, implement solutions, and assess the efficacy of those solutions.