‘It is feasible to Exercise for a Healthy Back using just your body weight, but it may take longer to notice any benefits than if you used weights or equipment,’ explains Amber Walton, an instructor at Fly LDN, a low-impact training studio. There are many Exercises for a Healthy Back using body weight.
‘If you want to work out your back at home, I suggest getting resistance bands to increase the intensity. If you don’t have access to this, employing time under tension (how slowly you complete an exercise) and focusing on greater rep ranges and tempo when training can help you increase strength without the use of equipment.’
Here are 12 Exercises for a Healthy Back;
1. Plank
a) Begin in a push-up posture, bend your elbows, and place your weight on your forearms.
b) Brace your core and hold while keeping your body straight.
Planks are Exercises for a Healthy Back that you can do anytime and anywhere.
2. Superman
a) Lie on your stomach, drawing your belly button toward your spine to tighten your abs while maintaining your legs straight and your arms extended out above your head.

b) Raise your arms and legs off the floor, arching your back. Hold.
c) Return to the starting position. Repeat.
3. Clean
a) Stand with your feet hip-width apart, toes slightly pointing outwards, holding a kettlebell in one hand in an under-the-grip, weight resting on your shoulder, and palm facing forwards.
c) Hinge at the hips and bend your knees slightly as you turn the weight over your hand and swing it between your legs. To build momentum and return the weight to the starting position on your shoulder, use your glutes and propel your hips forward. That is one repetition.
4. Deadlift
a) Using an overhand grip, pick up a set of dumbbells and hold them by your sides. Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your knees slightly bent.
c) Hinge at the hips as you bend your knees, lowering your torso to nearly parallel with the floor and your arms to dangle in front of your knees and shins. Remember to maintain your back neutral, as opposed to rounded.
c) Invert the movement by pulling your hips forward, clenching your glutes, and pushing through your heels. That is one repetition.
Deadlift engages most of the muscles of our body and they are also Exercises for a Healthy Back.
5. Incline Reverse Fly
a) Hold a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing each other, and lay face down on a 45-degree incline bench. Allow the weights to dangle in front of you with your hands facing each other. Try not to arch your back.
b) Raise each arm out to either side while squeezing your shoulder blades.
c) Return the weights to their initial position with control and repeat.
6. Incline Row
a) Hold a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing each other, and lay face down on a 45-degree incline bench. Pull the dumbbells to your sides, level with your ribcage, by bending your elbows and squeezing your shoulder blades.
b) Return the weights to the starting position slowly, fully extending your arms. That is one repetition.
Do Incline Row Exercises for a Healthy Back and torso.
7. Bent Over Row
a) Place both feet flat on the floor and bend your chest towards your feet. Soften your knees and stretch your arms, each carrying a dumbbell.

b) Tense your biceps and triceps as you row your arms inwards with the weights near your ribcage. Repeat.
8. Rear Delt Row
a) Stand shoulder-width apart with a dumbbell in each hand. Hinge your hips till your upper body is parallel to the ground. Maintain a small bend in your knees.
b) Hold the weights in front of you with your knuckles pointing forward. Avoid arching your back or sagging.
c) With your shoulder blades squeezed, lift your right arm at a right angle, halting when the weight is parallel to your waist. Lower the weight back to the starting position with control and repeat on the opposite side.
9. Renegade Row
a) Begin in a high plank posture with your right hand clutching a kettlebell or dumbbell. Your hands should be squarely under your shoulders, and your body should be in a straight line from head to foot.
b) Draw the weight slowly up to your hip as if placing it in your pocket, maintaining your elbow close to your body, and propelling it aloft.
c) Make an effort to maintain your body as stiff as possible. If you need extra stability, widen your feet. Lower yourself with control. That is one repetition.
10. Reverse Fly
a) Stand shoulder-width apart with a dumbbell in each hand. Hinge your hips till your upper body is parallel to the ground. Maintain a small bend in your knees.
b) Hold the weights in front of you with your hands facing each other. Avoid arching your back or sagging.
c) Raise each arm out to either side while squeezing your shoulder blades. Lower the weights back to the starting position and repeat.
You can do Reverse Fly Exercises for a Healthy Back.
11. Romanian Deadlift
a) Hold a dumbbell in each hand and stand with both feet flat on the floor.
c) While keeping your legs straight, bend your hips and drop your weighted hands to the floor. Step down to just below knee height, then straighten up. While doing so, tighten your glute and core muscles. Repeat.
It is another type of deadlift that are helpful Exercises for a Healthy Back.
12. Shrugs

a) Stand with your feet hip-width apart, your shoulders back, your chin up, and your eyes straight ahead. Breathe in and slowly lift your shoulders towards your ears while holding a dumbbell in each hand (palms facing inwards).
b) Exhale and drop your shoulders before continuing.