Branding in the pharmaceutical industry is a multifaceted endeavor. The capacity of the brand manager to forge new paths and maintain the brand’s competitive advantages is crucial to the company’s success. I’ll be giving you nine-pointers things to build a robust pharma brand.
Building a robust pharma brand requires careful planning, strategic positioning, and effective communication. In this discussion, we will explore several key elements that pharmaceutical companies should consider when aiming to build a strong brand. By implementing these strategies, companies can create a positive brand image, foster customer loyalty, and ultimately drive growth in the market. Let’s delve into the essential aspects of building a robust pharmaceutical brand.
Here are 9 Things to Build a Robust Pharma Brand;
1. Logos
The 1st point when you are going to build a robust pharma brand is your logos. Explain what images or concepts come to mind when you see the SWOOSH symbol. Surely you’re familiar with Nike. I’m curious about who the Amul spokesperson is in commercials. It’s a logo! When communicating with medical reps, a doctor will likely see your brand’s emblem for the first time.
An individual’s initial impression of you will remain with them forever. While a logo isn’t enough to stand on its own as a robust pharma brand, it is a significant tool in building recognition for your company.
According to ‘Designed By Good People’ founder Lee Newham, a logo should:
- Describable
- Memorable
- colorless but effective (in black and white)
- That it can function well even when shrunk to one inch in size
- pertinent to the field
- Leverage logos to demonstrate the strength of your robust pharma brand.
2. Colors
Coca-Cola has always been a controversial color—why the change? Vodafone, Eveready, and Bata are also included. Although it is generally associated with danger, the color red may be stimulating. The color blue is associated with Pepsi. PharmaState Academy, Facebook, SBI, and LinkedIn are a few more. Although blue is often associated with sadness, it is also a soothing and comforting hue.
Here, you’ll find opposing opinions on the same hue. As a result, generalizing about people based on the colors they like is incorrect. But it’s true that color “creates emotion, stimulates memory, and delivers experience,” as the Chief Creative and Editorial Director of Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, Inc. puts it.

According to the “Impact of Color on Marketing” study, consumers form an opinion about a product in a few seconds, and in certain cases, completely on the basis of its color. Within the first 90 seconds of meeting a new person or experiencing a new product, individuals form lasting impressions. In the range of 62% – 90%, the verdict is made solely primarily on color.
Careful consideration of color theory may help distinguish one brand’s offerings from another’s while also affecting consumers’ positive or negative emotional responses to, and opinions about, those items. Color is an important part when you are going to build a robust pharma brand identity since research shows that our brains favor easily identifiable companies.
3. Typography & Fonts
Just as crucial as picking the proper colors is picking the right font. It might be difficult, if not impossible, to read a brand name or font style that is not appropriate. A wedding card is not the place for a blocky typeface like Arial Black or Kabel Black; rather, something more elegant like Myriad Pro or Corinthia Pro would do. Also, Romanticism. The brand’s individuality may be seen in the typefaces used.
Whether you want to be seen as a mass-market brand or a high-end niche luxury company, the font you choose will have a significant impact on how consumers perceive your business. This is a crucial part when you are going to build a robust pharma brand and should not be ignored. Verify that the font can be easily read, goes well with the brand’s colors and logo, and stands out from the crowd.
- Pharmaceutical industry
- Medical Representative
4. Imagery
Didn’t our forefathers employ signs and symbols? When used correctly for the intended audience and purpose, images may greatly enhance any form of communication. In this way, 42 years ago, Prof. Tarun Gupta created the first Visual Aid for use in India’s pharmaceutical business. According to David Ogilvy, a picture is worth a thousand words. Advertisers have long known the value of using striking visuals to convey a message.
By Catherine Fishel: “Creating visual imagery is a state of consciousness,” from 401 Design Meditations. It entails recreating what we really perceive. But beyond that, it serves as a way to verbalize our reactions to the world around us. According to the research of Dr. Lynell Burmark, Ph.D., Associate at the Thornburg Centre for Professional Development… Our short-term memory is responsible for processing words. The opposite is true with visuals, which are imprinted permanently on long-term memory. It’s considered rude to routinely grab photos from the web.
Most of them are ugly and/or provide the wrong message. Images should seem alive as if they were captured from real life. It’s ludicrous to show Americans photos of Indian physicians. Hire professional photographers to take pictures for the advertisements. The photos must be of such high quality that they can’t be dismissed as phony. Images of people laughing and smiling are a great way to immortalize your company’s robust pharma brand.
5. Voice
Your “voice” is the personality that comes through in your words and interactions. The tone you choose defines the character of your company. The voice of your robust pharma brand helps you a lot when you are going to build a robust pharma brand. Is it the proper voice? Can you keep reading? Words and phrases you use to describe your product or service will significantly impact how others perceive it. Develop a genuine tone of communication for your product.

Expressions should be confident without being haughty; humorous without being in poor taste; and emphatic without being annoying. If you write like everyone else, it says, “Our goods are like everyone else’s,” says business author Jason Fried. Define your brand’s “voice” in three to five words. Does this particular term appear in your copy? You may set yourself out from the throng by developing a distinctive voice.
6. Design
The difference between great advertising and excellent advertising is a visual design that stands out. A well-made ad will catch the eye of physicians and help them remember important information. Your field personnel will feel more invested in the robust pharma brand, and it will take less time to get to the top. The majority of brand managers try to squeeze as much data as possible into a presentation, yet many physicians refuse to even look at them. Design plays a good role when you are going to build a robust pharma brand.
Whether it’s a visual aid or medico-marketing promotional material, the challenge is in making something that physicians will really want to use. Check to see whether the visual style and structure accurately represent your robust pharma brand. Does it aid the medical rep in communicating their message? Does the content have a logical structure that’s simple to follow?
7. Positioning
As with other aspects of brand development, brand positioning is crucial to the creation of strong and influential products. You all know that “positioning” involves making the doctor’s perception of your robust pharma brand and the ways in which it might help his or her patient “real” by drawing parallels to other things the client is already acquainted with.
Brand positioning is the intangible yet crucial aspect of setting your product out of the vast competition. Keep in mind that your consumer is a human being first and a doctor or other medical professional second. “The core strategy of positioning is not to produce something new and distinct, but to influence what is already in the mind, to retie links,” say Al Ries and Jack Trout.
Positioning that gives it its power when you are going to build a robust pharma brand. The Unilever soap lines (Lux, Lifebuoy, Pears, and Liril) are excellent examples of this notion put to good use. Because of the vast differences between them, consumers put them in distinct categories. Finally, positioning is the practice of making concessions. Do not waste your time trying to satisfy everyone.
8. Consistency
Think about the products and companies you have the greatest faith in as a consumer. Most likely, you can rely on them because of how trustworthy they are. Liril soap has been a hit with consumers for the last 42 years for reasons more than merely its strategic placement. Karen Lunel was the first Liril girl to dive, leap, and swim beneath a waterfall in 1974.
Karen Lunel has been replaced by Pooja Batra, Preity Zinta, Deepika Padukone, and now the Brazilian Anabelle, all in the same setting. when you are going to build a robust pharma brand one of the most important factors is consistency. That sense of indestructibility may be achieved via consistent branding efforts.
When something fails to deliver, it’s important to reflect on what went wrong and ask some probing questions about what went wrong. Was it too rapid of a shift? Was it bad strategy execution? Didn’t the medical reps mean what they said? This is usually traceable to a general lack of consistency. Continue acting in the same reliable manner.
9. Audit
A brand audit may be useful for gaining insight into your brand’s effect and performance in the market if it is underperforming or not meeting your expectations. What’s more, why? An audit is like getting a physical for your robust pharma brand. It’s an in-depth look at the brand’s performance in the market and how it stacks up against the competition.

You may learn a lot about your brand’s strengths and weaknesses and the opportunities and risks posed by your rivals by conducting a brand audit. Your brand’s Johari Window and SWOT Analysis are two of the best auditing tools available. New to the field of brand audit, the Johari Window has been designed with the pharmaceutical sector in mind.
Take stock of your brand’s health regularly. At least once per month for a new brand, and at least once every six months for an existing brand. You can’t just wake up one day and have a successful robust pharma brand. It is like the Chinese Bamboo Tree. It calls for constant care, nurturing, and emotional investment to bring out the best in your medical representative.
Bottom Line
There is little to no doubt that pharma is going to be one of the biggest markets in the future. While the opportunities in the field are growing exponentially, the competition is also increasing like never before. If you are also looking to try your hand in the pharma industry and build a robust brand of your own, we hope this blog would have been of some help. To read more interesting content, keep visiting our website