Top 10 Hygiene Tips Hotels Should Consider

Top 10 Hygiene Tips Hotels Should Consider | The Lifesciences Magazine

It is critical to provide the ideal atmosphere and brand experience for your visitors and follow the Hygiene Tips Hotels Should Consider. A negative experience may be detrimental to your organization by reducing client loyalty and making them less inclined to return.

Clean and sanitary amenities, social spaces, and washrooms play a significant part in transforming an ordinary visit into a memorable one and are among the most important things to consider when recommending a hotel to friends and colleagues.

Sanitation and hygiene are critical components of hotel and restaurant operations. Hotel and restaurant personnel, as service providers who routinely contact guests, produce meals, and clean public facilities must be adequately educated and always have supplies on hand to guarantee that prescribed processes are followed. Failure to follow sanitary rules may result in disease, loss of trust, and long-term harm to your business.

Here are the Top 10 Hygiene Tips Hotels Should Consider;

1. Sanitizing and checking the temperature on a daily basis

Hygiene Tips Hotels Should Consider: Check Body Temperature and Clean Hands at Entry

Top 10 Hygiene Tips Hotels Should Consider | The Lifesciences Magazine

It is recommended that all premises have a thermometer gun and a bottle of sanitizer beside the entry door so that any staff member entering the property may be quickly examined. Our employee’s safety is our duty; they go across many regions of the city or provinces, and it is possible that they may spread the virus by coming into touch with any positive patient. Check their body temperature and thoroughly clean their hands before entering the premises.

2. Employee and visitor face masks and gloves

Mandatory Use of Face Masks and Gloves is one of the best Hygiene Tips Hotels Should Consider

Hotel and restaurant establishments see the greatest number of footprints in a single day, many coming from various regions and locations where it is difficult to anticipate if the localities are infected or not. The owners should make it a strong rule that anybody entering the premises, whether workers or guests, must wear a face mask to prevent foul inhalation and gloves to avoid direct contact with the hotel properties or common access touch points.

3. Thorough cleaning of high-traffic areas

Regular Sterilization of Common Areas is the common Hygiene Tips Hotels Should Consider.

Hotels and restaurants are places where many people pass through in a single day and come into touch with some of the common areas such as the entry door, front desk, elevators, premise furnishings, and billing counter. The property owners should firmly instruct their cleaning personnel to sterilize such areas before the day begins, or even appoint a team of a few individuals to clean such areas twice or three times every day.

4. Get Rid of Dust

Regular Inspection and Cleaning of Electrical Equipment and Air Conditioning Units should be considered as the Hygiene Tips Hotels Should Consider.

Regular dusting is essential for keeping your hotel clean and, more critically, free of bugs and mites. According to Etchells, one of the most common issues he deals with is excessive dust. “Common problems occur with dust and then mites in carpets, causing allergies and sneezing fits,” he says.

Elena Philip, executive housekeeper at Discovery in Marigot Bay, St Lucia, recommends dusting the principal surfaces of rooms on a daily basis, including door frames, window frames, skirting boards, furniture, and fixtures. To guarantee there are no cobwebs or dust, high places such as the tops of wardrobes should be cleaned monthly.

5. Inspect the Electrical System

Regular Equipment Checks and Air Conditioner Servicing are the common Hygiene Tips Hotels Should Consider.

Faulty wiring on kettles, broken plug sockets and malfunctioning lighting or television sets are all possible risks in a hotel room. Thus have your team check for equipment problems and damage to electrical wires, switches, and sockets on a regular basis.

Top 10 Hygiene Tips Hotels Should Consider | The Lifesciences Magazine

Air conditioners and exhaust vents are sometimes overlooked in cleaning regimens, but they must be serviced on a regular basis. If allowed to accumulate debris, the devices may not only become unhealthy harborers of dust and mites, but they can also malfunction and pose an electrical danger. Etchells advises that a lack of air supply might lead to additional issues such as dust allergies or an overly humid environment.

6. Search Under the Bed

Thorough Room Cleaning to Prevent Health Hazards One Must Follow The Hygiene Tips Hotels Should Consider.

It’s astonishing what visitors leave behind, and although this may include valuables that must be returned, it might also contain less pleasant discoveries. “Make time to pull out the bed and raise the valance,” advises Andrew Thomason, general manager of Lower Slaughter Manor in Gloucestershire. “We just discovered an extremely pricey diamond ring. The owner returned the following day to recover it and left a sizable gratuity for cleaning. But, we just discovered a few tablets beneath the valance, which may be dangerous.

“In the past, comprehensive searching, including all drawers and the tops of closets, has revealed syringes and the occasional prophylactic. Hoteliers should also look outside the windows, on ledges, and farther afield. Despite the fact that our rooms are non-smoking, visitors may sometimes sneak a smoke, leaving trash on the exterior sill.”

7. Search for Bathroom Hazards

Pristine Bathrooms and Regular Cleaning

It goes without saying that bathrooms should be pristine and lavatory facilities should be thoroughly cleaned on a regular basis. Legionnaire’s illness, as well as leaking fixtures generating dangerous slippery surfaces, are common health and safety hazards in Etchells‘ experience. In the case of the former, you must ensure that your water supply is kept chilly enough to prevent germs from growing.

You should also have a detailed cleaning schedule and also go through some Hygiene Tips Hotels Should Consider. “When cleaning a bathroom, always start clockwise or anticlockwise, depending on the bathroom set-up,” advises Jawahir Purmeswur, executive housekeeper at the Mövenpick Resort & Spa Mauritius. “Cleaning chemicals should also be kept in properly labeled containers and under lock and key,” she says.

8. Thoroughly vacuum

Regular Cleaning and Vacuuming of Carpets are such common Hygiene Tips Hotels Should Consider.

Although surface cleaning is important, the major breeding ground for dust mites is carpeted, which may harbor massive volumes of dust and mites. Carpets that are not vacuumed can attract additional pests such as silverfish and moths.

“Moths feed on keratin, so someplace like behind a wardrobe, with dust and hair, is a wonderful area for them to lay their eggs,” Rentokil technical director Savvas Othon explains. “They may then creep into visitors’ garments or drapes and become a costly issue.”

This implies that rooms should be thoroughly cleaned on a daily basis, and workers should move heavy items such as wardrobes on a regular basis to clear any dust that has accumulated. To keep bugs at bay, Othon suggests vacuuming beneath heavy furniture once a week.

9. Recruit the Correct People

Hiring the Right Cleaning Staff and Implementing Preventative Maintenance Plans to follow the Hygiene Tips Hotels Should Consider.

Top 10 Hygiene Tips Hotels Should Consider | The Lifesciences Magazine

The biggest advice I can ever offer someone is to recruit the right people from the beginning,” says Siobhan Delaney, general manager of Manhattan’s Dylan hotel. Appointing cleaners and maids with a keen eye for detail and a dedication to maintaining high standards may make a significant impact. This includes treating your employees properly and having clear processes in place to make their duties as simple as possible.

“Every day, our maintenance manager needs to go over at least five rooms with a fine-tooth comb,” Delaney adds. “To get the most out of their workforce, hotels should have a fairly detailed preventative maintenance plan.

10. Employ the Appropriate Tools for the Task

Proper Cleaning Equipment and Technique are the Hygiene Tips Hotels Should Consider

The proper instruments for the work will not only save your personnel time but will also enhance the cleaning process significantly. This does not necessarily imply purchasing the most up-to-date cleaning equipment; frequently, the simplest methods are the most efficient.

“Have a color scheme for your cleaning cloths: red for the toilet, yellow for the bathroom, green for glasses and crockery, and blue for dust in the room,” advises Christopher Rossbach, the executive housekeeper of Switzerland’s Swissôtel Zurich. “Furthermore, always use cloths rather than sponges, which trap germs and cross-contaminate regions.”

Read More: 5 Important Hygiene Measures for the Agriculture Sector

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