Questions And Some Worries Are Raised By A New OTC Birth Control Medication

New OTC Birth Control Medication: Questions And Some Worries Are Raised | The Lifesciences Magazine

Questions and worries raised by OTC birth control medication. In the 1970s, it received prescription drug approval. The increased accessibility, though, is causing some worry. Nearby OB-GYN Kelly Battoglia agrees that birth control access should be expanded, but she stresses the need for caution.

According to Battoglia, the FDA has a history of allowing products to be sold without a detailed plan, which causes issues for those attempting to obtain them. She cited the fact that emergency contraception wasn’t as inexpensive as expected after it no longer needed a prescription as an example. According to her, the price when it was sold over the counter was around $60, which limited access for those without that amount.

OTC birth control medication are typically not covered by insurance, she noted. And it is unknown what Opill will cost. Patient education is another issue that worries Battoglia. She advised women to talk to a specialist before taking Opill. This covers their rationale for taking it, how to take it, and any potential negative effects. She claimed that this medicine, which differs significantly from the combined hormonal contraceptive tablets that many women are familiar to, will be taken on a daily basis.

FDA approves first over the counter birth control medication

Although the box will include a comprehensive package insert, Rochester’s Planned Parenthood Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Colt Wasserman, advised anyone using it to first speak with a doctor. particularly young patients. Younger patients fare better when they have assistance from their parents or other adults in their lives, according to Wasserman. But I believe there is solid research showing that adolescents can make wise contraception choices on their own.

The birth control medication should be taken every day throughout the same three-hour interval, according to common advice. Therefore, a progesterone-only pill will be the only method of over-the-counter contraception, according to Wasserman. The major method it inhibits pregnancy, according to our understanding, is by thickening the cervical mucous, which simply makes it more difficult for sperm to fertilise an egg. They noted that progesterone-only methods of contraception are extremely well tolerated.

According to Battoglia, the three-hour timeframe might be typical. Women should be aware that skipping a dose could reduce the effectiveness of the pill. For people with breast cancer or a family history of breast cancer, experts do not advise taking this birth control medication. The cause is a greater chance of clotting. Early in 2024, the pill is anticipated to be available in stores.

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