1. International Conference on Medical and Health Sciences (ICMHS)
The International Conference on Medical and Health Sciences (ICMHS) 2024, held on August 2 in Dubai, UAE, is a premier global event for advancing medical and health sciences. This prestigious conference will bring together academicians, researchers, engineers, industry professionals, and students from around the world. ICMHS 2024 provides an exceptional platform for presenting research findings, sharing insights, and engaging in face-to-face discussions. The event will foster valuable networking, research collaborations, and business relationships. By addressing current innovations and practical challenges, ICMHS 2024 aims to enhance global understanding and impact in these critical fields.
Location: Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Date: 02nd Aug 2024
2. Research International Conference on Medical, Medicine and Health Science (RIC MMHS -2024)
The Medical, Medicine, and Health Sciences Conference aims to bring together leading scientists, researchers, and scholars to share their research and experiences across these fields. It provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for presenting and discussing recent innovations, trends, and practical challenges in medical and health sciences. All registered papers will be included in the conference proceedings, which have an ISBN number. Extended versions of selected papers will be published in reputed international journals listed in Scopus, SCI, WoS, or UGC Care. The conference is associated with UGC Care-listed and Scopus-indexed journals, ensuring high visibility and academic impact.
Location: Mohall, USA
Date: 03rd – 04th Aug 2024

3. SAARD – International Conference on Advances in Health and Medical Science
ICAMHS 2024 is a prestigious event designed to offer an exceptional international platform for academicians, researchers, engineers, industry professionals, and students to share their research with global experts. The conference aims to facilitate in-person exchanges of ideas and experiences among participants from around the world. This gathering will enable delegates to forge valuable research and business connections and explore international collaboration opportunities for their future careers. Sponsored by SAARD, ICAHMS 2024 will feature numerous invited lectures from esteemed speakers.
The conference will also present Best Paper Awards to recognize the most impactful contributions. SAARD has previously organized successful conferences in global cities including London, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Paris, Istanbul, Melbourne, and Dubai, underscoring its commitment to fostering significant academic and professional interactions worldwide.
Location: Glasgow, Scotland
Date: 04th Aug 2024
4. International Conference on Medical and Health Sciences (ICMHS – 2024)
The International Conference on Medical and Health Sciences (ICMHS) is a premier forum for presenting technological advances and research in these fields. It gathers leading researchers, engineers, and scientists globally to share their findings and experiences. We invite both returning and new authors to submit their research papers and engage with a diverse community of scholars. ICMHS aims to facilitate the exchange of ideas and solutions on recent innovations, trends, and challenges in medical and health sciences, offering an interdisciplinary platform for academic scientists, doctors, and educators to discuss and advance the field of Medical and Health Sciences.
Location: Nashik, India
Date: 06th August 2024
5. International Congress on Physical Activity and Public Health (ICPAPH- 2024)
The International Conference on Medical and Health Sciences (ICMHS) will be organized by Global Science Networks. Submitted papers will undergo a thorough review by the conference’s technical committees. This conference is associated with UGC Care-listed and Scopus-indexed journals, ensuring high visibility and academic impact.
All selected and registered full research papers will be published in the conference proceedings, which will have an ISBN number issued by the Government of India. Extended versions of these papers will be considered for publication in prestigious international journals indexed in Scopus, SCI, WoS, or UGC Care. This arrangement guarantees that the conference offers significant opportunities for disseminating research and advancing knowledge in the medical and health sciences fields.
Location: Ostrava, Czech Republic
Date: 06th Aug 2024