All you need to know about Crystal Healing and the Science behind it

Interesting truth of Crystal Healing and the Science behind it 2023 | The Lifesciences Magazine

Crystal healing is a complementary medicine approach in which crystals and other stones are used to treat illnesses and prevent disease. Proponents of this practice claim that the Interesting truth of crystal healing work as therapeutic conduits, allowing good, healing energy to enter the body while bad, disease-causing energy exits.

Despite the fact that crystal healing has grown in popularity in recent years, this alternative medicine is not popular with most medical professionals and scientists, with many dismissing it as a pseudoscience.

There is no scientific proof that crystal healing can be used to treat illnesses since diseases have never been shown to be the outcome of an alleged energy flow in the body. Nevertheless, no scientific research has shown that crystals and stones can be distinguished by chemical makeup or color in order to cure a specific condition.

“I am not aware of any [National Science Foundation]-supported research on the therapeutic capabilities of crystals,” said Peter Heaney, a mineral sciences professor at Pennsylvania State University, in 2021. He goes on to explain that, although crystals contain energy, there is no energy transmission between crystals and humans, according to Albert Einstein’s mass-energy equivalency of e=mc2.

Yet, healing crystals are still popular in health spas and New Age health clinics and are occasionally included in the associated massage and Reiki procedures. The usage of crystals in such settings may aid in relaxing, albeit this effect is not supported by scientific research.

Here’s all you need to know about Interesting truth of crystal healing and the Science behind it:

What is the theory behind the Interesting truth of crystal healing?

Crystal healing proponents think that crystals and gemstones have therapeutic abilities. Numerous websites advocating the Interesting truth of crystal healing claim that the technique dates back at least 6,000 years to the time of the ancient Sumerians of Mesopotamia. According to such sources, the Ancient Egyptians were among the first to decorate themselves with crystals such as lapis lazuli, carnelian, and turquoise to ward against disease and bad energy.

Interesting truth of Crystal Healing and the Science behind it 2023 | The Lifesciences Magazine

However, the philosophy of the Interesting truth of crystal healing is based on traditional Asian cultural concepts, most notably the Chinese concept of life energy (chi or qi) and the Hindu or Buddhist concept of chakras, which are vortices of this life energy that are said to connect the physical and supernatural elements of the body.

According to “Time,” crystals are said to interact with the energy field of the body, facilitating physical, emotional, and spiritual healing.

Stones are attributed to diverse qualities in crystal healing, while healers disagree on which stones have certain attributes. According to Healthline, some people think amethyst is good for the intestines, green aventurine is good for the heart, and yellow topaz is good for mental clarity. The chakra points on the body are related to the colors red through violet.

A crystal healer may put different stones or crystals on your body aligned with specific chakra points during a therapy session, approximately in the areas above the head, on the forehead, on the neck, on the chest, on the stomach, on the gut, and on the genital area. The stones utilized and their placement may be determined by the symptoms described by the patient. All of this is impacted by the healer’s understanding of, and belief in, the chakra theory of sickness and energy imbalances – a doctrine often disregarded by Western medical practitioners.

According to Crystal Vaults, a firm that offers such crystals, which it refers to as “talismans” or “amulets,” crystal therapy also includes the usage of crystals and stones worn on the body or put under pillows to fend against disease, discharge bad energy, or absorb good energy.

How does crystal healing work?

Although there have been no scientific studies on the effectiveness of the Interesting truth of crystal healing, one research implies that patients who undergo this sort of therapy may experience a placebo effect. According to Christopher French, director of the anomalistic psychology research section at the University of London, placebo effects follow a therapy that is not directly related to the treatment itself working on the patient’s ailment.

Interesting truth of Crystal Healing and the Science behind it 2023 | The Lifesciences Magazine

“There is no proof that the Interesting truth of crystal healing helps beyond the placebo effect,” French said to Live Science. “It is the right standard for evaluating any kind of therapy. Therefore, whether you consider crystal therapy or any other type of [complementary and alternative medicine] to be completely useless is determined by your attitude about placebo effects.”

In other words, a person may feel better after receiving crystal healing therapy, but there is no scientific evidence that this is due to the crystals utilized during the treatment. French and his colleagues presented a paper on the efficacy of the Interesting truth of crystal healing at the British Psychological Society Centenary Annual Conference in Glasgow in 2001.

During the research, 80 people were instructed to meditate for five minutes while holding either a genuine quartz crystal or a phony crystal that they thought was genuine. Half of the participants were primed before meditation to notice any effects the crystals could have on them, such as tingling in the body or warmth in the hand holding the stone.

After meditating, participants were asked whether they felt any impact from the Interesting truth of crystal healing session. The impacts described by individuals who held phony crystals while meditating were no different from the ones recorded by those who held actual crystals throughout the study, according to the researchers.

Several participants in both groups reported experiencing a warm sensation in their palms when holding the crystal or false crystal, as well as a general sense of well-being. Individuals who were primed to experience these effects reported greater impacts than those who were not. Yet, the degree of these effects was unrelated to whether the individual in question was holding a genuine or a phony crystal. Crystal believers (as judged by a questionnaire) were twice as likely as non-believers to report experiencing effects from the crystal.

As French pointed out, many types of therapy have no recognized therapeutic benefit other than a placebo effect. Yet, although these therapies may momentarily make you feel better, there is no evidence that they may really cure illnesses or treat health concerns. If you have a significant medical problem, you should contact a professional physician, not an alternative healer, according to French.

Despite this, persuading someone who believes in the therapeutic abilities of stones might be difficult. “It’s difficult to dispute with folks who believe in crystals’ psychological benefits […] Such are authentic experiences that we must recognize “According to Zhuo Job Chen, a professor of psychology and religion at the University of North Carolina.

Others believe that consumers seeking so-called alternative medicine are demonstrating a rising mistrust of professional physicians, which should urge increased empathy in the medical professions. “The current popularity of complementary and alternative medicine invites criticism of what we do in conventional care. “It demonstrates that we aren’t meeting a specific need – we aren’t providing patients enough time, compassion, or empathy,” Edzard Ernst, emeritus professor of Complementary Medicine at the Peninsula School of Medicine at the University of Exeter, told the “British Medical Journal.” “in 2018.

Is crystal healing a safe practice?

Crystal healers become healers by completing a certification course, which is often provided online by “natural medicine” institutions or clinics, many of which are not certified by any central body. There are currently no state or federal regulations that govern or standardize the practice of crystal healing, or that require crystal healers to be licensed. In certain areas, this sort of alternative treatment may be classified as massage or bodywork therapy. Crystal healers may be needed to get a license in such states in order to perform their craft.

Interesting truth of Crystal Healing and the Science behind it 2023 | The Lifesciences Magazine

Non-profit organizations like the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork (NCBTMB) also provide optional board certification tests for massage therapists and alternative healers. NCTMB acknowledges schools and companies that provide alternative healer certification, but only if they meet specific requirements outlined by the organization.

To a limited extent, some medical practitioners accept the Interesting truth of crystal healing as a treatment that may generate relaxation, which is ultimately helpful for stress management. Individuals looking for a crystal healer, on the other hand, should be cautious not to forego proper therapy for life-threatening diseases.

Many parents also use Baltic amber necklaces for teething babies and toddlers, thinking that the amber would assist to relieve the discomfort, similar to how other gemstones are used to treat various maladies. There is no scientific proof that the amber helps to relieve teething discomfort, according to Healthy Children. There are two theories about how the amber works: one is that the heat of the baby’s skin causes a pain-relieving substance (succinic acid) to be released from the amber and absorbed through the skin into the bloodstream, and the other is that the amber stimulates the thyroid gland, causing drooling and reducing inflammation in the ears, throat, stomach, and respiratory system.

According to John Snyder, a doctor who authored an article on amber necklaces on the website Science-Based Medicine, there are various claims made regarding amber necklaces and how they may aid with pain relief. Snyder’s sole reasonable arguments were that it is known that Baltic amber contains succinic acid, that certain molecules are absorbed via the skin, and that succinic acid is naturally occurring in the human body. The quantity of succinic acid in the amber, on the other hand, is small, and body heat does not cause it to be released. Moreover, there is little to no proof that succinic acid has a therapeutic impact.

Alexandra Hudson, Kim Blake, and Robyn McLaughlin sent a letter to the editor of the Journal of Pediatrics and Child Health in 2016 on how the hazards of amber necklaces exceed the extremely limited possible benefit. The main risks with necklaces are strangling and choking, and there have been multiple confirmed occurrences. The authors state that both the Canadian Pediatric Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics advise against wearing amber necklaces and that parents be fully taught about teething and the use of amber therapy.

Apart from the risks associated with patients choosing crystal therapy over conventional treatment, there are also risks associated with crystal creation to consider. According to a 2019 investigation in “The Guardian,” some of the gemstones are derived from mines in some of the world’s poorest countries. Madagascar, for example, increased its exports of diamonds and precious metals by 170 percent between 2016 and 2017, making it one of the top producers alongside much bigger nations such as India and China. Nevertheless, 80 percent of crystals are mined for little money and without control by small groups and families in areas with little access to water, power, and other amenities.

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