Here’s How Your Coffee or Tea Habit Might Be Good for You

Benefits of Coffee or Tea Habit: 10 Best Benefits | The Lifesciences Magazine

A hot cup of coffee or tea is the ultimate caffeine need of any person. A person who drinks both is good. A moderate amount of coffee or tea habit is good for health. The properties in tea or coffee help us rejuvenate from stress and give us time to ourselves. A coffee or tea habit helps us to get back in action with whatever work we are doing.

Imagine, you get up in the morning, and there was no concept of drinking tea or coffee. Can’t even imagine! We understand. A coffee or tea habit helps you start your day. In whatever way your coffee or tea habit, strong, mild, or medium, the caffeine and the taste kick in you feel active and fresh, and sleep leaves you finally.

Here Are 10 Benefits of Coffee or Tea Habit:

1. Prevents parkinsonism:

Studies have shown coffee or tea habits have serious health benefits. Diseases as serious as Parkinson’s is prevented. For people who show signs of the same, the coffee or tea habit is beneficial for them when in moderation. 3 to 4-quarter cups of coffee or tea habit is good for people in general. Especially for people who show signs of Parkinsonism.

2. Healthy heart:

Benefits of Coffee or Tea Habit: 10 Best Benefits | The Lifesciences Magazine

A coffee or tea habit also improves cardiac health. It is believed that a cup of coffee or tea helps in enhancing the blood flow to the heart. The blood vessels which carry blood to the heart, the flow of the same is enhanced. Medical practitioners have regard for the coffee or tea habit of patients these days. But, the consumption should be in moderation. Not more than 3 to 4 cups in a day.

3. No liver ailments:

Coffee is a beverage that helps the liver to function harmoniously. A regular coffee drinker has a lower risk of chronic liver ailments, liver cancer, and cirrhosis of the liver. Coffee acts as a protective shield for the liver and is saved from the mentioned issues to a larger extent.

4. Say bye to gallstones:

Coffee or tea habit doesn’t allow gallstones to form in your gallbladder. The gallbladder enhances the digestion process in our body. It allows the fluids in the bladder to move around smoothly without any obstructions. Previously there was a debate on the same. But, coffee and tea have a metabolic action that benefits the gallbladder and restricts the formation of stones.

5. Lose weight:

Benefits of Coffee or Tea Habit: 10 Best Benefits | The Lifesciences Magazine

Coffee or tea habit can help you shed weight. The condition is to keep the track of sugar that goes in your body. Put yourself in the habit of consuming low-calorie tea or coffee. Ensure you consume only the basic form of coffee or tea and not the sugary and creamy thing which tempts the taste buds. Sugary and creamy coffee or tea habit is a big no-no.

6. Mental peace:

The thing about the coffee and tea habit is the caffeine kicks in which refreshes you. Along with that, you get some time off work, you get a break of 5 to 7 minutes. You get yourself out of it for a very short time but it helps you get mental peace. Plus the caffeine intake breaks the lethargy and tiredness from you. You also go for a tea or coffee break with your colleagues, which bonds you with them. Conversations other than work happen which are necessary too.

7. No cancer risk:

This one’s for coffee especially. People who consume coffee on a regular basis have a less risk of cancer. The risk is as low as 13%. Cancer of the liver, prostate, colorectal, breast, and oral cancers can be prevented. Coffee has nutrients that are anti-cancerous. On an individual level, the lesser the risk of cancer, the better. Cancer can be genetic at times. Hence, coffee consumption for such people is a boon.

8. Fight free radicals:

These radicals are formed in the body when it turns food into energy. They are also formed when you’re out there in the sun. Consuming some foods is also a cause for them to be formed. The antioxidants present in coffee and tea help to curb the formation of these radicals.

9. Keep it moderate:

Benefits of Coffee or Tea Habit: 10 Best Benefits | The Lifesciences Magazine

Over-consumption of coffee and tea has its own ill effects too. Doing anything in excess isn’t good for physical and mental health. First and foremost, it affects your sleep. Caffeine intake doesn’t allow you to sleep fast. Consuming too much of it can lead you to lose out on calcium. Your body will lose hold of the calcium coming inside your body as there is too much caffeine present already.

Keeping in mind the last point, let’s see more on that.

10. Right Quantity Caffeine Recommendations

Caffeine is a molecule that comes with its merits and demerits. While we’ve listed above the benefits of tea and coffee consumption, we should be aware of how much of it to take in. An ideal quantity of 400mg of caffeine is an ideal consumption, in a day. Not more than that.

400mg of caffeine includes 4 cups of brewed coffee which is sufficient to have in a day. Obsessing over caffeine intake will lead to problems like sleep issues or sleep apnea. Hence, keeping it normal is a good practice to follow.  


Tea and coffee are a daily thing for us. We can’t feel fresh unless we have a brilliant cup of tea or coffee. On a serious note, consuming half the quantity of the size of your cup, 3 to 4 times in a day is an ideal amount to consume. Keep track of sugar, coffee, or tea powder and the frequency of the same. Just because you like the taste and you keep on consuming more than recommended will harm you. Keep the thought of enjoying each cup of it, and make memories with people accompanying you while feeling fresh and active each time. Cheers!   

5 Advantages and Risks of Consuming Coffee for Fitness

5 Advantages and Risks of Consuming Coffee for Fitness

For the caffeine boost, many individuals consume coffee before working out. Although consuming coffee for fitness before a workout may increase physical performance and mental function, it is not for everyone. The preceding information is from a 2018 review of coffee and exercise research published in the journal NutrientsTrusted Source.

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