10 Dermatologist-Approved Winter Skin Care Tips

10 Best Winter Skin Care Tips | The Lifesciences Magazine

Our skin needs to be taken care of differently during different seasons. Following a skincare routine according to seasons will help to keep your skin wrinkle-free for a long time. Winter skin care tips are something that we know commonly like applying lotions or sunscreens and what soap to use etc.

Our skin needs more or special attention during winter. The weather is cold and dry during winters which directly impacts your skin. The cold temperature has humidity in it which causes dryness in the skin pores. Winter skin care tips are needed as our skin acts as a protective layer for our body. It protects our body from bacteria and viruses.

Here are 10 winter skin care tips from dermatologists:

1. Use hydrating skin cleanser:

10 Best Winter Skin Care Tips | The Lifesciences Magazine

Our skin secretes natural moisture from its pores. So do not use strong cleaning creams on your skin or face. Using these and making your skin fully clear leads to wiping off the natural moisture of the skin. During winter, this is one of the important winter skin care tips to follow. As skin gets dry and itchy, hydrate it with a mild and soft moisturizer.

2. Too-hot showers:

In winter we long for a good hot shower. As suggested by dermatologists, long hot showers are not encouraged in their winter skin care tips list. Hot water further dries up your skin. Winter showers should not be more than 15 minutes. Use lukewarm water during a bath. Hot water closes the skin cells and moisture secretion is blocked from our skin.

3. Shun away skin scrubbers:

Keep that scrubbers, loofahs, and bathing mitts away from sight. This comes on number 3 of our list of winter skin care tips. As mentioned before, we long for hot showers and we tend to use soap with such scrubbers or loofahs. They do no good instead they damage your skin. Scented products and body washes are available in the market. Soaps aren’t that good for your skin as they again make your skin dry. This is one of the underrated winter skin care tips.

4. Cut down on alcohol:

10 Best Winter Skin Care Tips | The Lifesciences Magazine

Alcohol has a tendency to dehydrate. As alcohol has acidic elements it extracts moisture from your body. Lowering alcohol intake during winter is a vital insight in terms of winter skin care tips given by dermatologists. Hydrating yourself after regular intervals in winter is a good practice. Sip on the water at night time little by little to avoid dehydration to increase. Lessening alcohol and increasing water intake will prevent problems like gastritis or acidity.

5. Beware of unsuited skin care products:

There are some products which don’t suit everyone. This can be one of the ignored winter skin care tips but it’s important to follow. After the use of some creams, lotions, or soaps you may experience itching, rashes, and swelling. If it is the case, you should observe which product you use on the skin is causing you harm. Stop using them to save your skin from further damage. You may be allergic to certain molecules present in the product. Visit the dermatologist as soon as possible.

6. Lip balm:

Keep a lip balm at hand at all times. Such winter skin care tips are always recommended by dermatologists. Lips are a part of the skin only. They need to be taken care of during winter. Cracking of lips, tearing of lips skin, peeling of the skin, and lips going dry, and itchy are causes of the winter season. A lip balm with hydrating properties and SPF would benefit and save your lips from further damage.

7. Sunscreen is needed:

Even in the winter, you need a sunscreen lotion with SPF. The Ultra-Violet rays still damage your skin when you’re out there. Due to the dryness in the environment, a hydrating sunscreen when applied will not only save you from sunburns but also keep your skin moisturized. Yes, sunburns can happen in winter too. If you live in a snowy region and go skiing or play in the snow, the sun rays can be enough sometimes to give you sunburns.

8. Remove dry skin cells:

10 Best Winter Skin Care Tips | The Lifesciences Magazine

The winter dries up your skin and leaves its mark on the skin. Mark in the sense, the dead skin cells are left on the skin pores and need to be removed. To get rid of the same you need a moisturizer with lactic acid elements. A lotion which will act as an exfoliant and humectant will peel off the dead skin cells from your body.

9. Acne-prone skin:

It may be the case of excessive dryness and peeling of dead skin cells. In this case, you need to hydrating and oil-free moisturizers with your acne medications to save your skin from additional damage. There are hydro-boost moisturizers available in the market that act as a great option for your acne-prone skin.

10. Have dark chocolate:

Eating dark chocolate in the winter can help with dehydrated skin. The thing is dark chocolate has anti-oxidants that play a major role in protecting your skin from ageing. The cocoa in dark chocolate has soothing and cooling properties for your skin. Those anti-oxidants help your skin be cool and give a softening effect.


Winter is a cheerful, pleasant, and happy season. Due to the cold weather, we tend to not drink as much water as recommended. Instead, it is said to have plenty of water to be hydrated. The main feature of the winter season is the dryness in the environment is affects the skin. Having tea can also help as it has anti-oxidants too. Keep a moisturizer at reach always to avoid damage to the skin due to dryness. All in all, take care of your skin in winter and enjoy the season. Cheers!

Also Read: 11 Reasons Why Skin care is important

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