Delaware Health Information Network- Prioritizing Lives with Health Networking

Delaware Health Information Network - Prioritizing Lives | Dr Jan Lee | The Lifesciences Magazine

We are all familiar with some of the most well-known and successful businesspeople who have made a name for themselves, their businesses, and the services they provide. But during this process, we frequently overlook or forget about those unsung heroes who provide equally creative services without regard to financial gain.

The CEO of Delaware Health Information Network is Dr Jan Lee (DHIN).

Although the Delaware Health Information Network was established in 2007, the idea first emerged in the late 1990s. Working independently, a group of legislators, hospitals, and the medical society of Delaware were developing methods for gathering health data and making it more accessible to those who required it for both health policy and health care delivery needs.

Jan is steering the business into the future while ensuring that the healthcare sector develops. Her vision, objectives, and personality show that she is both a true businesswoman and a true leader.

She is more than just an entrepreneur; she is a change, an inspiration, and a wave in the modern healthcare sector.

Leading the way and shaping the future of the healthcare sector, the Delaware Health Information Network (DHIN) was established in 2007 and quickly rose to prominence as the country’s first operational statewide health information network. Presently served by Delaware Health Information Network are:

– Every acute care hospital in Delaware

– All long-term care and skilled nursing facilities in Delaware

– Nearing 100% of medical professionals who have signed up and are taking part in Delaware Health Information Network

Each year, more than 14,000,000 clinical results and reports are recorded on DHIN, and there are currently more than 2,100,000 patient records in the system, including records from all 50 states.

Hospitals, doctors, and patients all over Delaware have experienced the reliability and value of the Delaware Health Information Network system during its six years of operation. Hospitals, laboratories, and radiology facilities securely provide timely and accurate patient information to doctors’ offices via Delaware Health Information Network.

The Delaware Health Information Network uses a federated data model for medical information, aggregates those records, and does away with manual transmission of medical data to deliver greater quality healthcare faster and at a lesser cost. Regular audits verify the system’s security and the proper handling of data.

The Delaware Health Information Network’s initial trip (DHIN)

Being a health information network, their goal is to develop a searchable database of health data rather than an electronic medical record. They accomplish this by using doctors who may not have all of the patient information in their electronic medical record, despite having one.

As a result, they can rely on the Delaware Health Information Network to provide the missing data and to provide additional information. They were the first in the country to attempt this on a statewide level, thus some of the first difficulties were complicated. They had to figure out and develop the operational procedures as they went along because no one had yet drafted the rule book.

Other difficulties included building trust with hospitals, labs, etc. Because the information they store is very sensitive and vulnerable to nefarious exploitation. In order to comply with all regulatory obligations regarding privacy and security, hospitals and labs wanted some very explicit rules about what will be retained, data security, who gets access, and more.

Trusting Delaware Health Information Network with data security was the main worry. Therefore, creating flawless mechanisms and gaining trust was one of the main challenges the DHIN team overcame. together with governmental agencies and the corporate sector to create a common vision for this!

How it would be funded and maintained was yet another enormous early challenge. However, it was DHIN’s creativity and mission that kept the business and its staff always putting their best foot forward, overcoming all obstacles and seizing opportunities, and earning respect and trust in the healthcare sector.

What caused DHIN to expand and what accounts for its success?

They have always centred their efforts on what the market demands, starting at the very beginning. Based on market research, they created their first set of services.

They questioned the service’s potential customers. Which values do you hold? What do you value and employ? The reply was overwhelming in favour of the electronic results delivery option, which was rated as being the most advantageous by the majority of respondents. So they began by doing it first!

They developed while continuously paying attention to what their market was telling them about what they valued, needed, and used. They focused on providing value to their clients, and that’s how they succeeded.

What sets Delaware Health Information Network’s services apart from those of the rivals in the market?

A fast expanding non-profit at the forefront of the exchange of health information is Delaware Health Information Network (HIE). The Delaware Health Information Network, the first statewide HIE in the US, was created in 1997 to ease the electronic exchange of health-related data among healthcare organisations and enhance the effectiveness of patient treatment in Delaware. The CEO is responsible for providing strategic leadership and day-to-day management of the company’s operations, policies, and initiatives while reporting to the board of directors of the Delaware Health Information Network.

No one else was doing this when they started, and while some other entities have started doing some of what they do, no one else in their market is doing it entirely. Because of their extensive integration with the state’s information ecology, they have an advantage in some ways. This attracts more clients to them!

How to make the entire thing stick has been a key component of their strategy. In addition to using their services, those who do so also create demand for their clients, or their clients create demand for them to use their services. Building relationships is a part of it.

Being in a small state like Delaware has great benefits because people get to know one another, and DHIN and its

They simply do not have the same close relationships with customers as some of the large box businesses that are national or even international.

They don’t favor one over another, which is part of what distinguishes them and contributes to their success. All of the services they provide are available to users equally. Nobody receives preferential treatment in any way, including pricing. And they put a lot of effort into upholding that reputation.

Clients frequently refer to them as the Switzerland of the health information exchange. They have a unique understanding of the market because they reside here, they are close with important players, and they uphold a neutral stance in the industry.

These are a few of the elements that contribute to their success and distinguish them from the competition in the market. They have acquired a strong foundation in the market thanks to their respect, trust, and recognition, and they are firmly maintaining their position as the top health information network!

How does DHIN improve upon its services?

They are seeking out what the market demands, right? One of the questions they ask when they meet with clients is, “What business problem might DHIN assist you solve? What are you trying to find?

So, interact with customers while maintaining a sharp focus on the market. The staff at Delaware Health Information Network is focused on ensuring that their services, support, and standards are always evolving while also keeping in mind the demands of the market and their clients.

At the federal level, new regulations are released. The industry is experiencing new innovations, and the knowledgeable staff at DHIN is always tracking them down and predicting where the industry is headed.

In order to ensure they are prepared even before the news, trend, or technology enters the market, they strategize after creating projections. These are the methods they use to adapt their services and remain relevant in a setting that is always changing.

All of these elements contribute to the credibility and trust that Delaware Health Information Network has built up, giving them a respected position in the market and helping them to firmly maintain their leading position.

updates to their offerings

They now obtain claims data from the healthcare insurers in addition to the clinical information they already get from hospitals and other healthcare facilities. They can now offer service lines for analytics thanks to this. As a result, when they originally began, the direct provision of healthcare was the main focus of their services.

They may now integrate data from numerous sources and diverse data types, including clinical claims laboratory, and perform an intriguing analysis of the data to assess trends, correlations, and treatment-related outcomes.

For them, this is a brand-new area of service that is still developing and in its infancy. They think that their business and others in the healthcare sector will benefit greatly from this service line.

Outstanding Leadership from DHIN!

Delaware Health Information Network’s cutting-edge strategy, vision, mission, and services not only highlight the talent of the team, but also say a lot about the company’s management. The leadership at Delaware Health Information Network is not only a model leader but also a holistic visionary who has advanced the organisation while incorporating core values and ethics into its operations. As a result, the organisation has gained a tremendous amount of reputation and recognition in a variety of industries.

CEO of DHIN is Dr. Jan Lee.

Jan spent more than 20 years practising medicine. She served in the United States Air Force for 23 years while on active service, holding various posts of increasing responsibility. Jan worked her way up in the Air Force, and the Air Force Medical Service’s Chief Information Officer (CIO) position was her last duty before she left the service.

She was forced to choose between returning to full-time clinical practise after her retirement and staying in the technology sector. She opted for technology because it offered the possibility of resolving many of the issues that frustrated her much as a practising doctor.

“The job has been amazing. I adore what I do. I consider our effort to be crucial. It’s significant, it aligns with my values, and I couldn’t be happier,” Jan continues.

Jan spent five years working for next-gen healthcare after deciding to let her career go in a different path. Jan was given the chance to work at Delaware Health Information Network after spending experience in the IT sector. She joined DHIN 11 years ago and hasn’t looked back since, assuming the helm and guiding the business forward.

Jan’s relationships with her coworkers and the DHIN team’s work environment?

Jan keeps close attention to how many hours they put in and makes sure nobody is being overworked.

“I have meetings with every worker at the company. What are they doing, I often wonder. What could they improve upon? Are there any aspects of your employment that are stressful? Do you require anything to increase your productivity and happiness at work?

My people are aware of my sincere concern for them. As we urge them to assist us as an organisation in achieving our business goals, Jan continues, “I honestly care about their welfare and I genuinely want to help them be successful and reach their own career ambitions.

Particularly when it comes to working from home, DHIN has always had a relatively lenient stance. Nearly everyone has been conducting their work remotely since long before the outbreak. They work for a technology business and have access to the equipment and resources needed to be connected and productive from home. And it has turned out to be a significant benefit for the group.

This kind of workplace and corporate culture greatly contributes to the development of trust and a sense of unity among employees with regard to the company’s objectives, fundamental values, and mission. The x-factor in the workplace is also added by the respect between management and staff, which inspires the team to work harder and develop services that transform the healthcare sector.

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