Motherhood is one of the best things that can happen to a female. It’s the best feeling in the world. No other experience in life can match the experience of being a mother. However, a new mother can face breastfeeding problems as she’s not familiar with it. A lot of new mothers go through breastfeeding problems.
Breast milk is the basic nutrition that a baby needs. The first food of his life is the mother’s milk. A lactating mother can face breastfeeding problems. For giving proper nutrition to the baby a mother needs to get rid of the breastfeeding problems as fast as possible.
Jotting Down 5 Breastfeeding Problems and How to Fix Them:
1. Painful nipples:
This is one of the basic breastfeeding problems faced by females. As they are not used to it, they may experience pain while feeding the baby. For the first few weeks, the pain will persist. A normal tenderness for the first few days is normal. But if the pain persists and the nipples become cracked, too sore, and start to bleed, contact your doctor immediately. Consider applying softening lotions to them if the pain is too much. Change positions of feeding to make yourself comfortable and feed from both breasts.
2. Over-filled breast milk:
At times, breastfeeding problems also include overly filled breast milk in the breasts. This will make them swollen and hard. It can be painful. It will make your little one unable to suck on it. Breastfeeding problems like these can be solved in some days or weeks’ time as the supply is adjusted by the body according to the baby’s needs.

For the baby to get used to it, feed the baby at least 8 to 10 times a day. A solution to solve breastfeeding problems is to remove some of the milk before feeding the baby. It will soften the breast tissues. It’ll make the baby easy to suck on it. This over-filling is known as breast engorgement.
3. Infection of the breast:
This is called mastitis. Inflammation or swelling of the nipples is one of the common breastfeeding problems. Blocked ducts of milk, engorgement of breasts, illness, and fatigue are the common reasons for mastitis. To diagnose mastitis you may look for symptoms like tenderness, color turning red, or fever and flu symptoms. Call your doctor if mastitis is suspected. You may be in need of consuming antibiotics. To avoid more breastfeeding problems, try to get some rest whenever your baby is asleep.
4. Less milk oozing out:
Reasons for a low milk supply from your breasts can be innumerable. Issues related to hormone or endocrinal problems cause a low milk supply. Some more reasons are:

- Previous breast surgeries.
- Lactating mother taking birth control pills.
- Consuming peppermint can affect your milk supply.
- The baby may face difficulties in sucking as the action is new.
- No feeding was given at night.
- Jaundice in newborns. It causes babies to sleep more. The long sleep cause the baby to consume less milk.
These are some of the problems which cause low milk supply. Less milk can cause the mother and baby to be frustrated. This is the only food that can be provided to the baby. If it’s falling short, call your doctor and do as he/she says.
5. The abundance of milk:
The supply of breast milk must be adequate. Too much supply can cause your breasts to suffer from problems like mastitis, breast engorgement, and blocked milk ducts. Too much milk can cause a hyper reaction by the mother which will flow more and more milk. It may cause the baby to choke, gag due to excess milk, or spit up. Spit up means the excess milk in its small mouth comes out as it will not be able to hold so much in its mouth.
If too much milk is the issue, try to breastfeed while sitting on a recliner chair. Feeding when against gravity, will slow down the speed of the milk coming out. Make sure your baby burp. Babies at times swallow more air than milk. They try to swallow more milk but end up taking in more air. It may cause gases, so it’s better to make the baby burp.
Benefits of breastfeeding:

- Breastmilk is the best source of nutrition for the baby. No other nutrition is better than this.
- Breastmilk is a shared thing. The mother shares antibodies with her baby via breast milk.
- Healthwise, breastfeeding can save the mother from cancers like ovarian and breast cancer.
- Breastfeeding acts as a bond created between the mother and the baby. This is the best way a mother and her newborn can bond. It happens as the mother gets alone time with her baby. She holds the baby close to her chest and that skin touch creates the bond of love.
- Breastfeeding reduces the risk of diseases. Diseases like middle ear infections, gut infections, respiratory tract infections, and bowel diseases are some of the infections that are cured.
- Studies have suggested that it makes the baby smarter. It develops the brain faster and makes the functioning good. The baby s able to grasp things faster than formula-fed babies.
- Another advantage is for mothers. It can help them shed some weight. As it is new mothers get conscious of their gaining weight, breastfeeding allows them to reduce some of it.
Breastfeeding can feel like a daunting experience at the beginning. With a bit of patience and practice it’s the most beautiful experience. It’s a thing to practice for both the mother and the baby. This is the first thing a baby learns in his life, bonds with its mother, and is attached to her. There are many emotional, health, and physical benefits related to breastfeeding. Not only it gives the baby all nutrients but also makes his immune system strong.
So all in all, breastfeeding comes with advantages both for the mother and the baby. It’s not the case that only the baby is benefitted, the mother enjoys the advantages of it too. To all new mothers, you are experiencing a life-changing phase. Enjoy this phase and be calm. Do not get agitated if any problems occur. Consult your doctor and do as he/she suggests.
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