A speed cord band drills cable is a handy tool for introducing resistance to classic strength and plyometric activities. These bands boost intensity and promote core engagement during activity. Although the bands are most often used for plyometric and agility training, they may also be utilized to provide a new level of difficulty and resistance to traditional functional resistance workouts.
Various fitness firms provide a vast choice of speed cord equipment, but the most frequent ones include a waist belt and a bungee cord. Belts may be attached to the thighs, chest, or arms. Resistance ranges from low to heavy and length varies between 6 and 10 feet.
It’s not safe to use the bungee at its maximum tension or stretch. The belt and buckle will wear out too quickly because of the added resistance. Here are several speed cord exercises you can use to ramp up the difficulty of your customers’ workouts and push them to the next level.
Take a look at these top-rated speed cord band drills;
1. Ballast Ball Knee Tucks
This workout pushes the core to activate while maintaining balance on a ballast ball. The resistance may be applied from behind or to the sides of the body by the trainers. This adjusts the contraction to concentrate on a unilateral or bilateral contraction.
Guidelines for Effectiveness
Go for the client to get into a plank posture with their hands and knees on a ballast ball. To provide the customer with some resistance, you should stand behind them and pull on the rope. Teach the client to tuck their knees in and elevate their hips.
The ball will inevitably go straight toward the laces. Come back to the starting plank posture and do it again. Do two or three sets of ten to twelve repetitions. The stability ball can be used, but it’s less secure and has greater safety concerns.
2. Bear Crawls to Plank With Touches
If you want to increase your speed cord band drills, strength, and stamina, you should try this workout that uses the whole body in a single explosive motion. A full-body sprint, or a swift bear crawl, is a kind of running that involves moving the whole body. Applying the resistance to the forward motion serves to teach one to slow down with more finesse.

Guidelines for Effectiveness
Get a cone and set it up 10 to 12 feet in front of the customer. Support the customer and push back. The customer should experience the most friction while touching the cone. Tell the client to crawl forward until they reach the cone, then have them touch the cone with one hand and have them crawl back to where they started.
Do so five times. It is recommended that you cue your client to hold a plank posture near the cone for the fifth repetition and tap the cone five times with each hand. Then, after 20 or 30 seconds, come back to the center. To be repeated twice or thrice. The slower bear crawl is better for building muscle mass, while the quicker crawl is better for developing speed and explosiveness via high-intensity interval training.
3. Triangle Reaction Drill
The client is required to react to the trainer’s starting movement to go through the exercise speed cord band drills. To help the client burst in the forward sprint action, the loaded movement takes place while backpedaling.
Guidelines for Effectiveness
Spread out the three cones in a triangle, 15 feet apart. Position yourself in the center of the base, between the two cones. (The pointy end of the cone has to face the customer.) Cut the cord just below the client’s bust. Signal the customer to go in reverse toward the cone’s peak. Initiate a motion toward the left or right cone once the client reaches it.
The customer has to act quickly and dash for the cone. By way of illustration, if you were to shift to the right cone, the customer would also be expected to make a beeline for that location. Once the client hits the cone, they should start slowing down their forward sprint. Five more times, then take a rest. The goal is to finish two or three sets.
You shouldn’t let the client rest during the backpedaling phase; instead, you should keep pedaling rearward until the client responds to your action.
4. W Cone Drill
For this speed cord band drills exercise, you may fasten the band to the front or rear of your belt. Training in both positions strengthens the muscles responsible for generating force during both forward sprinting and backward pedaling. Throughout the whole exercise, the band will provide resistance and help.

Guidelines for Effectiveness
The cones should be spaced 15 feet apart and arranged in a “W” shape. Fasten the belt in place, either in front or behind the customer. Resistance on the rope may be maintained by starting at one end of the “W” and curing the client to go toward each cone. When the customer gets to the final cone, signal for them to run the remaining 20 feet to you. You may do up to five sets before resting.
5. BOSU Bungee Jumps
During speed cord band drills in this practice, the bungee may be fastened either behind or to the side of the participant. This adds difficulty to the “work” phase when you need to use greater force to launch yourself off the BOSU.
Guidelines for Effectiveness
Place the client two to three feet behind the BOSU. You may apply more pressure by resisting while standing behind the client. It’s time for the customer to kneel, load up, and detonate atop the dome. Tell the customer to wait three seconds above the dome before jumping back to the middle. If you want to practice speed cord band drills lateral leaps, you should execute one set of 10 behind the dome and then go to the side of the dome.

Position yourself to the left of the dome so that the bungee cord is wrapped around the customer’s left side. Tell the customer to go down low, pack their bags, then burst laterally so they may fall on the dome’s peak. The customer should hold their position on the dome for three seconds before returning to the starting position. Perform one set of 10 repetitions with the bungee connected to the left side of the body, and then perform the same routine on the right side of the dome.