Even though there are side effects of flu shots, getting a flu shot is still a good idea. The following is a list of potential adverse reactions to the flu shot that you should be aware of this season. These reactions range from the common soreness and redness to the uncommon Guillain-Barré syndrome.
After you’ve finished going through them, you should start getting ready for the next flu season by rolling up your sleeves. And would you believe it? Getting vaccinated is still your greatest protection for maintaining your health.
Here are 12 Side Effects of Flu Shots You Should Know;
1. Shoulder soreness
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), if you get the flu vaccination in the form of an intramuscular injection (also known as in your arm, normally), you have a probability ranging from 10 to 64 percent of feeling some muscle discomfort in your upper arm.
This is due to the fact that the needle is injected directly into the muscle, which not only causes microscopic damage to the cells but is also intended to provoke an inflammatory reaction from the immune system.

While you wait for the soreness to go away, you may reduce the discomfort with an over-the-counter painkiller, but Dr. Adalja advises that you see your primary care physician if the pain is severe or restricting your movement.
2. Discoloration or edema of the skin at the injection point
According to Dr. Adalja, a topical response is always a possibility whenever the skin is pierced and anything is introduced into the body. Simply put, this is a manifestation of the activation of your immune system.
However, this redness and swelling at the location where you receive your injection are frequent side effects of flu shots that normally only last for a few days at a time. It will go away on its own, but if it is really bothering you, you may try taking some acetaminophen or ibuprofen (Tylenol).
3. Body pains
According to Dr. Adalja, the mechanism by which vaccines engage the immune system may make it possible for any vaccination to produce aches and pains in the body. If you’re feeling sore in places other than your arm, it’s usually nothing to worry about. However, Dr. Adalja points out that the flu shot does take two weeks to become fully effective.
This means that your body aches could be a sign of the actual flu, as viral strains are probably circulating around the time you get the vaccine. If you’re feeling sore in places other than your arm, it’s usually nothing to worry about.
4. Itching at the injection site or a full-body rash
This might be indicative of an allergic response; but, according to Dr. Adalja, having an allergic reaction to the flu vaccination is quite uncommon. Because the majority of flu injections and nasal sprays are created using technology that contains tiny quantities of egg proteins, according to the CDC, there are a lot of fallacies regarding egg allergies and the vaccination, he continues. “There are many myths about egg allergies and the vaccine.”
5. Fever
Because of the vaccination, you probably won’t have a fever, but even if you do, it should be mild and short-lived (i.e. less than 101 degrees). If it’s higher than that, you can’t blame your flu vaccine; it’s more likely that you have an illness that has nothing to do with influenza at all.
Dr. Adalja reminds patients, “Remember that you’re taking the vaccination right in the middle of the peak season for respiratory viruses.” Therefore, it’s possible that you’ve been harboring another infection without ever realizing it.
6. Lightheadedness or a feeling of fainting

According to Dr. Adalja, this is less of a side effect of the vaccination itself and more of a side effect of the individual’s fear of needles. Notify your healthcare provider if you have any concerns that you could have a stress response or pass out after receiving a shot. This will allow them to ensure that you remain sitting following the injection to avoid damage.
7. Headache
The CDC’s official list of probable side effects includes a headache, but according to Dr. Adalja, this symptom is not warranted concern. “It is simply part of the immunological response to the vaccination,” he says, adding that it often goes away quite soon and can “easily” be treated with acetaminophen. “It is just part of the immune reaction to the vaccine,” he says. “It is just part of the immune reaction to the vaccine” (aka Tylenol).
8. Nausea
Another symptom specified by the CDC that, according to Dr. Piedra, is most likely caused by anxiety is this one. “There are certain patients who, after receiving an injection of any kind, may have some gastrointestinal indications, including nausea,” he explains.
“This can happen after receiving any form of injection.” “Anxiety is often cited as a possible cause.” It’s conceivable that you could feel nauseous after being vaccinated against the side effects of flu shots. This is just one of the ways that your body reacts to the shot.
9. Guillain-Barre syndrome
Guillain-Barre syndrome (often referred to as GBS) is an auto-immune illness that may be brought on by a broad range of factors, including vaccinations and viral infections are side effects of flu shots.
10. Severe allergic response to the allergen
According to Dr. Mandal, it is possible for any drug or immunization to have unwanted effects, including severe responses that might even be life-threatening. After getting the vaccination, severe allergic responses often manifest themselves within a few hours time. Symptoms such as hives, wheezing, shortness of breath, rapid heart rate, and dizziness are included in this category.
11. Fatigue
According to Dr. Hanak, two more potential adverse side effects of flu shots vaccination include feeling tired and having a runny nose. According to what he has said, these symptoms do not often last for an extended period of time.
What to do: If the side effects are troublesome, drink a lot of water, relax, and take nasal decongestants for the symptoms that are related to your nose.
12, Muscle aches
A second potential adverse reaction to the flu vaccine is sore muscles. Myalgia, often known as muscle pains, is quite frequent. Nearly everyone, at some time in their lives, has at least once felt some soreness in their muscles.

Because there is muscle tissue present in almost every area of the body, it is possible to feel this kind of pain almost everywhere in the body. However side effects of flu shots, there is not one specific factor that leads to aches and pains in the muscles.