One out of seven people have been in a situation where they have held their head upwards with a tissue stuffed in their nose, trying to stop the bleeding. People often panic and start worrying in these types of situations. A nosebleed, which is known to most doctors as epistaxis, is a very common thing that occurs to an individual because of various reasons. Though it is a common thing to have nosebleeds, you cannot ignore the signs that can turn it into a serious medical condition.
It might also need immediate medical attention. The nosebleeds can be triggered by various changes in the environment or surroundings. It is known to make an appearance when you least expect it or when you want to do something important. There are ways to prevent these nosebleeds as well. You should also be aware to know when to worry about nosebleeds.
In this article, we will explore the signs to be alarmed when a nosebleed occurs. We will also understand the causes behind it and ways to prevent it from happening.
What are Nosebleeds and causes?

Doctors know it as epistaxis, commonly called nosebleeds, which is a common occurrence that happens with most individuals. This involves bleeding from the nose. It occurs when the delicate lining of the nose that contains small blood vessels gets disrupted. The inner lining of the nose is filled with small blood vessels that are closer to the surface, which makes it inclined to bleeding. It is common for these blood vessels to get damaged due to various reasons.
The nosebleeds are usually of two types they are known as anterior nosebleeds and posterior nosebleeds. Anterior nosebleed is a common one that happens in the front part of the nose called the nasal septum, and it can be managed easily. However, posterior nosebleeds can be concerning as they tend to be more severe they require medical attention. Before getting into when to worry about nosebleeds, let’s understand what causes these nosebleeds.
Cause of nosebleed:
There are two types of causes for the nosebleeds: Common and Uncommon.

Common cause:
- Dry air: This is common in winter, as it occurs when the dry air irritates the inner lining of the nose, making it more vulnerable to bleeding.
- Nose Picking: Even picking your nose can irritate the inner lining, which results in bleeding.
- Injury: A hit on the nose can also cause it to bleed.
- Infection: Infection because of sinuses or nose can also cause nosebleeds.
- Allergies: Allergies often result in inflammation in the nasal passage, making it more inclined to bleed.
- Medication: Medication such as blood thinner can also increase the risk of nosebleeds.
- High Blood Pressure: Even high blood pressure can make the nosebleed more difficult to stop.
- Tumors: Tumors in the nose or the sinuses can also cause nosebleeds.
- Bleeding disorders: Having a bleeding disorder can also make people more prone to nosebleeds.
When to worry about nosebleeds?
Nosebleeds, known for occurring very commonly, can be signs of something severe as well. Because people are not aware of a few medical facts or symptoms, they tend to ignore warning signs. These warning signs can turn into red flags which severely hamper your health. So here are some signs that you cannot ignore whenever you have a nosebleed and seek immediate medical attention after noticing them.
- If the bleeding is consistent, do not stop after 30 minutes of applying pressure to the nosebleed.
- The nosebleed can also happen after a head injury, so check with a doctor.
- If fever, headache, difficulty in breathing, or any other symptoms are accompanied by the nosebleed, it can be concerning.
- If the nosebleeds are frequent or recurrent, then get a check-up done to prevent any health issues.
How to prevent Nosebleeds?

After understanding the situations when to worry about nosebleeds. Let’s get some more insight into the ways we can prevent it from happening to us or help someone with whom it occurs frequently.
- When the air is dry, try over-the-counter nasal saline spray. Use it every two to three hours while awake.
- Employ a cool mist humidifier to humidify your room at night while you sleep.
- Coat the inside of your nostril with Vaseline or Ayr saline nasal gel two times a day, especially at night.
- You can also place a cotton ball coated in Vaseline in the affected nostril overnight.
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Being aware of when to worry about nosebleeds can help a lot at times. Nosebleeds are a common medical issue that occurs to everyone at some point. But everyone ends up panicking and stressing over it, making it more difficult to stop. You can stop the nosebleed by putting pressure on your nose. It can be caused by various reasons such as dry air, nose picking, allergies, and more. These are some of the common reasons, but if you experience any uncommon reasons, it can indicate tumors, bleeding disorders, and high blood pressure. Getting timely medical attention can help you prevent any serious medical issues coming your way.
How often is too often for nosebleeds?
If you get nosebleeds more than once a week, you should see your doctor. Most cases of frequent nosebleeds are easily treated. Sometimes tiny blood vessels inside the nose become irritated and don’t heal. This happens more frequently in teens who have ongoing allergies or frequent colds.
What are the red flags for nose bleeds?
Seek emergency medical care if nosebleeds: Follow an injury, such as a car accident. Involve a greater-than-expected amount of blood. Interfere with breathing.
When should you go to the doctor for a nosebleed?
If your nosebleed lasts more than 20 minutes, or if you are having nosebleeds frequently, see your doctor. Some nosebleeds require immediate emergency care.