My fitness adventure started in 2015, during my undergraduate days, when I fell in love with home exercises. Since then, my fitness journey has taken new turns, and I’ve learned a lot about myself as a person along the way. I’ve had my share of wins and mistakes, and I’ve learned a lot along the way.
Since then, my fitness journey has taken new turns, and I’ve learned a lot about myself as a person along the way, including what works for me and what doesn’t. Through my experiences, I’ve learned about fitness in 2025 and discovered the six most important lessons I’ll be sharing with you in this blog article.
Here are 8 Things We Learned About Fitness in 2025
1. Fitness is not a one-size-fits-all endeavor.
Fitness, no matter what the newest fitness craze is, does not fit everybody. Throughout the years, I’ve progressed from working out in my living room to deadlifting 110kg during a CrossFit session, and I’ve gradually realized that it takes months, if not years, to discover out what your fitness passion is.
Throughout the years, I’ve progressed from working out in my living room to deadlifting 110kg during a CrossFit session, and I’ve gradually realized that it takes months, if not years, to discover out what your fitness passion is. Having learned about fitness in 2025, I constantly tell people that whatever keeps them coming back for more will work for them in the long term. Choose what is best for YOU.
What are your objectives? What do you like to do? What exercises inspire you? Do you prefer yoga or weightlifting? It’s critical to disregard trends and exercises that your favorite influencers undertake and instead concentrate on yourself. When it comes to fitness, there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all solution, so go out there, explore, and discover what makes you tick. Presently, I enjoy a variety of activities, including yoga, jogging, weight lifting, and swimming.
2. Rest is an important aspect of training.
I learned the hard way that rest is just as vital as exercise when it comes to fitness. Allowing your body to rest allows it to recuperate and expand, and most importantly, allows you to use your training! I used to be rather proud of myself for lasting weeks without taking a day off, but now I can’t think of anything more destructive!

I often discuss the significance of rest days on my Instagram page, particularly because I’ve learned about fitness in 2025 and had to support my body with unbalanced hormones over the last year, so rest is just as essential to me as what I do in the gym. I am happy to report that I am now working out three times a week and synchronizing my hormones to my menstrual cycle to help support my body even more!
3. Your fitness journey will evolve over time (which is OK).
I believe that as humans, we frequently fear change, particularly when it comes to what we already know, but you’ll notice that your exercises will alter over time, especially as you go through various stages of your life. When I initially began working out, I did it at home using a program that largely comprised of cardio 5 times a week. Since then, I’ve tried CrossFit, ran almost half a marathon, done yoga, and even returned to swimming.
My fitness path has undoubtedly altered over the years, and what I’ve learned most along the road is to totally accept the change. I have learned about fitness in 2025 and discovered that everything I was doing at the time was because I was having fun. And when things began to shift again, it was because I needed a motivation boost or a change of scenery (which is OK).
4. Too much of a good thing may be detrimental.
This ‘lesson’ comes from the bottom of my heart, since it’s one of my greatest regrets in my fitness journey learned about fitness in 2025. For over three years, I’ve been dealing with hormonal imbalances created by overtraining, under-fueling, and not giving my body the rest it needs. Although exercise is highly helpful to our health, it is also a strain on the body, and like with anything, too much of a good thing may be harmful.
5. There are several misconceptions around weight lifting.

However, there are numerous myths associated with weight lifting, including: you must begin when you are young, you must use expensive equipment, and if you do strength training, you will look like a bodybuilder, all of which are incorrect, according to a handful of trainers interviewed for an NPR story.
6. Health is more important than fitness.
It’s taken me a long time to prioritize my health above my gym objectives, but I’ve reached a place in my life where I won’t train if I don’t feel well or haven’t slept well the night before. Period.
Having learned about fitness in 2025 over the years, I’ve come to realize that although exercise may seem to be doing wonders for my body, it might really be doing the opposite when I neglect other aspects of my health. When I’m lacking in motivation (yes, it happens), I ask myself how I’ve been treating my body.
7. A holistic approach to exercise is much superior.
Having learned about fitness in 2025, the aim of any workout regimen is shifting away from thinness and toward general health and wellbeing. Fitness guru Cassey Ho thinks individuals should enjoy their training regimen “The experience becomes hollow if you’re too focused on the vanity of fitness (having a larger butt, a six-pack, or smaller thighs,” Ho told The Zoe Report. Exercise becomes a more “meaningful journey” when you discover delight in a certain exercise(s) and maintain a healthy lifestyle, including proper nutrition, according to Ho.
A comprehensive fitness regimen incorporates aerobic and thoughtful workouts, such as yoga and rest days – in other words, it’s all about balance. Ross Ramone, a SoulCycle teacher, told TZR that his goal with every class he teaches is to let his students forget about the calories expended and concentrate on what feels good physically and psychologically. “It’s my intention to give a safe environment for riders to experience what they need to heal through, let go of the things that hold them down, and step into their bravery,” Ramone said.
8. Strength training is the latest craze.

Don’t neglect the free weights section of your home or community gym. Strength training, according to NCSF-certified trainer Elise Young, is essential for a well-rounded workout regimen. “Strength training keeps us feeling powerful and empowered,” she said in an interview with Women’s Health. Moreover, it reduces the chance of injury, strengthens bones, aids in weight loss, and enhances general heart health.