How Nevada is coping with a mental health care crisis, according to experts

How Nevada is coping with a mental health care crisis, according to experts | The Lifesciences Magazine

Nevada is facing a pressing mental health care crisis, and experts are shedding light on the challenges and potential solutions. Recent findings from QuoteWizard, an insurance company, reveal that Nevada ranks among the worst states in the U.S. for mental health care access. With 21% of Nevadans affected by mental illness, only four out of 10 are receiving the necessary care. Additionally, the state is placed eighth lowest in the country for mental health care accessibility, and 10% of the population lacks insurance coverage.

Mental Health Awareness Month

Released during Mental Health Awareness Month, the report aims to raise awareness and inspire action towards improved mental health outcomes. Rob Bhatt, an analyst with QuoteWizard, emphasizes that awareness is a crucial step in reducing stigma and encouraging individuals to seek help. Celebrating efforts to prioritize mental health is essential, just as we do with physical health.

However, raising awareness alone is insufficient. Dr. Sheldon Jacobs, vice president of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) in Southern Nevada, highlights the existing deficiencies in the state’s mental health system. Overloaded psychiatric facilities and a scarcity of professionals contribute to the challenge of accessing services promptly. Licensed therapists often have long waiting lists, making the process inconvenient for those in need.

Impact On The Youth

A particular concern is the impact on the youth population. Nevada ranks last in the nation for a higher prevalence of mental illness in children coupled with limited access to care. Dr. Jacobs points to the exacerbating effects of the pandemic, as young people face heightened stressors such as cyberbullying, gun violence, and social isolation. Schools, he suggests, should serve as hubs for mental health resources and support, warranting a focus on educators and mental health delivery.

Dr. Jacobs also highlights two legislative bills that hold promise for addressing mental health care needs in Nevada. SB313 proposes increased learning and support for health education and resources in K-12 education. SB242 calls for the creation of a working group to study the effects of psilocybin, a psychoactive compound found in magic mushrooms that has shown success in treating mental health conditions, including PTSD in veterans.

Nevada Youth Crisis Hold Explanation (English)

Hope Amid Challenges

Despite the challenges, Dr. Jacobs sees a glimmer of hope. Nevada has made progress in recent years, thanks to increased funding from the state and the American Rescue Plan. This has allowed for more counselors in schools and additional support through organizations like NAMI, benefiting the community at large.

“I’m confident that we will continue to figure this out,” Dr. Jacobs affirms.

If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health care issues, remember that you are not alone. Resources and assistance are available. Contact NAMI Southern Nevada at (702) 219-1675 or visit their website at to access the support you deserve. Together, let’s pave the way for improved mental well-being in Nevada.

Also Read: 5 Effects of social media on mental health

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