MGI Tech Unveils Cutting-Edge Solution for Agricultural Genomics Advancement at PAG Asia 2024

MGI Unveils Low-pass WGS Solution for Agricultural Genomics at PAG Asia 2024 | The Lifesciences Magazine


Shenzhen, China – At this year’s International Plant and Animal Genome Conference Asia (PAG Asia 2024), MGI Tech Co., Ltd. (“MGI”), a leading innovator in life sciences, made a groundbreaking announcement. They introduced an innovative, whole workflow solution for large-scale low-pass whole genome sequencing (Low-pass WGS) tailored for agricultural applications. MGI’s proprietary DNBSEQTM platforms form the backbone of this solution, promising to revolutionize molecular breeding genotyping for agricultural diploid species.

Features of the New Solution

The newly unveiled solution encompasses an entire automated product portfolio, meticulously crafted to streamline every step of the genotyping process. From extraction to library preparation, sequencing, and SNP & InDel calling, MGI’s solution promises efficiency and ease of use. Notably, the MGIEasy Large-scale PCR-Free FS Library Prep Set for Low-pass WGS stands out. Available in two specifications, 96RXN and 384RXN, this kit boasts a plate-based library preparation reagent module, significantly reducing time and consumables required. Additionally, MGI’s advanced automation platforms eliminate throughput limitations commonly encountered in ordinary library preparation processes, ensuring large-scale library preparation is completed swiftly, cost-effectively, and with minimal manual intervention.

Unprecedented Throughput and Accuracy for Agricultural Genomics

MGI’s agricultural Low-pass WGS solution promises unprecedented throughput and accuracy, empowering researchers with the tools they need for large-scale genomics projects. The solution leverages MGI’s DNBSEQ-T7 sequencer for high-throughput applications and the DNBSEQ-G400 benchtop sequencer for medium-throughput needs. Notably, MGI’s solution addresses implementation challenges commonly faced in pig breeding, offering a daily throughput of 96 to 1,536 samples and an annual throughput ranging from 24,000 to 384,000 samples. With high-accuracy SNP results achieved from 0.5~1X Low-pass in pig ear tissue samples, demonstrating 98.4% consistency with the SNP array and 98.1% with 50X WGS, MGI’s solution promises precise and reliable genotyping results.

Moreover, compared to traditional genotyping methods such as microarray, MGI’s solution offers genome-wide data at the same cost while capturing a broader range of genetic variations. This enhances the discovery of new variants and increases the statistical power of genome-wide studies. MGI’s commitment to driving agricultural research and industry growth is evident in their dedication to providing high-quality, convenient, and reliable genome products to agricultural scientists and breeders worldwide.

In conclusion, MGI’s unveiling of their innovative solution marks a significant milestone in agricultural genomics, promising to accelerate research and revolutionize breeding practices in the field.

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