Lifesciences Ted Talks are video presentations of ideas worth spreading, often given in 18 minutes or less. TED is an organization with a mission to “discover, curate, and disseminate the world’s most compelling ideas and insights in the form
It is a video recording of a public talk delivered at the annual TED (technology, entertainment, and design) conference or at one of its numerous satellite events across the globe. TED is a non-profit organization with the stated mission of “ideas worth sharing.”
The Creative Commons license provides free access to the Lifesciences Ted Talks posted on the TED website. Video-sharing platforms, social media platforms, and professional networking sites like YouTube, Netflix, Facebook, and LinkedIn regularly offer them as well.
Here are 5 Best Lifesciences TED Talks to Listen to Now;
1. GEORGE MONBIOT – Can we feed ourselves without devouring the planet?
The Earth is the subject of this Lifesciences Ted Talks. Can you name the one worst thing humanity has done to Earth? Many individuals are put off by the response because it runs against their deeply held beliefs.

Most species have disappeared because of farming. About 80% of the forest loss this century may be directly attributed to it. Wild birds only account for 29% of the total avian mass on Earth. The rest of them are chickens. Only around 4% of animals are found in their natural habitat. We humans only make up 36% of the population, with farmed animals accounting for the remaining 60%.
2. ANIL ANANTHASWAMY- Where does your sense of self come from? A scientific look.
The speaker in this Lifesciences Ted Talks reflected on a time ten years earlier when they had met someone who had suffered from schizophrenia. They had seen a shift in their identity, or what it means to be yourself. Their sense of bodily boundaries became more porous than usual. They felt that there were cracks in their mental armor as well. Something akin to a distorted identity was taking hold of them.
He met many courageous and perceptive individuals over the years who discussed what it was like to accept and embrace their new identities. Also, when I say “changed,” I mean “different,” not “deficient,” though I do recognize that it may be difficult at times to deal with one’s altered self.
After consulting with these people as well as theologians, philosophers, and neuroscientists, He realized that the “I” that we individually believe to be true is an illusion.
3. MILES ZHANG – The bizarre world of parasitic wasps
This fight between a cockroach and a jewel wasp won’t last forever. The wasp snags the insect curves her body and aims her stinger toward a concentration of nerves in the roach’s chest. The cockroach’s front legs are briefly paralyzed by the poison that pours forth. She gives it a sting to the brain, where her poison prevents the animal from activating its flight-or-fight mechanism.
Cockroaches are now no different from zombies in every way. The wasp breaks off half of the cockroach’s antennae, which it then uses as straws to sip the insect’s “blood,” or hemolymph, before luring it below. She plugs the tunnel after laying an egg on her prey, and the burrow becomes the cockroach family’s home and eventual burial site.
In the weeks that follow, her egg hatches into a larva, which bores into the cockroach, consumes it whole, pupates in its corpse, and eventually emerges as a beautiful iridescent adult.
4. SHANNON ODELL – When are you actually an adult?
This Lifesciences Ted Talks addresses the appropriate age at which a person may legally be considered an adult. At the age of 18, most nations start conferring adult rights and responsibilities. But does chronological age really tell the whole story?

At 12:05 AM on November 6th, I was born 5 minutes too early to vote in tomorrow’s election. Meanwhile, I was born 15 minutes before you, making me your older brother who is also eligible to vote.
5. JESSIE CHRISTIANSEN – What the discovery of exoplanets reveals about the universe
The speaker at this Lifesciences Ted Talks introduces himself as “the planet hunter” and “keeper of the keys” to NASA’s Exoplanet Archive. The discovery of 5,000 exoplanets in March 2022 marked a significant advancement in astronomy.
People have been curious about exoplanets (planets outside of our solar system) for thousands of years. But only very lately has technology caught up with our creative potential. True, 5,000 planets is an astounding number. It’s already remarkable, but the implications for space exploration are considerably more so.

I remember when there were only around a hundred confirmed exoplanets, all of which were strikingly different from Earth and from each other, and I first stepped foot in a graduate program. I couldn’t rest until I learned more. For four years, I carefully observed roughly 87,000 stars.
Now, you could have this idealistic notion that I was contemplating a breathtaking view of the cosmos while peering through a telescope. That was not me. This kind of data, in which the luminance of each star is tracked over time, was what I was examining. It’s possible that a planet passed in front of the star momentarily, preventing part of the light from reaching my telescope, explaining any temporary dimming.
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