Gift-giving is a situation where all of us get in a fix. What to gift that will look good, expensive and of use, are some of the questions that need proper answers. Occasions like holidays, marriage functions, housewarming functions, birthdays, and anniversaries are some occasions where gift-giving comes into the picture. According to the occasion we usually think of gift-giving, which causes stress and anxiety. The biggest question about it is whether will it look good and decent.
Keeping in mind the occasion and situation, gift-giving should be implemented. A gift which suits a birthday party won’t suit a housewarming party, isn’t it? The stress caused by thinking of the same leads to quarrels, and disagreements and spoils the mood of attending the function. If you notice, gift-giving is a joyful activity, but due to the stress, it turns out to be a nightmare.
Here Are Some Tips to Avoid Gift-giving Stress:
1. Inquire about the preferences of the receivers
If you can’t (or don’t want to) forego the present, consider asking the recipients what they want. This simplifies your job and relieves the burden of finding the perfect present. This is the best thing to do as you can give something productive which they will use happily. Recipients will be pleased as well because they will receive something they will appreciate. After all, how often do you receive a gift that you dislike or would never use?
2. Make a reasonable budget and stick to it

Buying gifts for friends and family all at once can cause some financial stress. Therefore, rather than worrying about how much of a dent you’re going to put in your bank account, set a realistic budget for how much you can spend on gifts and stick to it. It’s fine if money is tight and you don’t have as much to spend as usual. Find cost-effective ways to demonstrate your concern. Instead of buying something from the shop, make your peppermint bark. Make an offer to pet-sit.
3. Ask for suggestions
Talking in the context of gift-giving, ask the receiver for suggestions, list down 3 to 4 items, and select one of them. In this way, you will give a useful gift and the given gift will be used properly and not just keep lying in the attic. Make the receiver comfortable to be open about the suggestions, as some people won’t be able to communicate so firmly or may hesitate as money matters are involved. Comfort them with the conversation and ask genuinely. Let them know they don’t want the gift to go to waste and you want to give something useful.
4. Online shopping or gift cards

Gone are the days when running from store to store looking for gifts was a daunting process. But there’s no reason to unless it’s something you enjoy doing. You can buy almost anything online these days, and you’ll almost always get a better deal. By this method of gift-giving, they can purchase whatever the receiver wants, of their choice, and not cause any repetition of gifts or any unnecessary items. Consider getting a gift card to a favorite retailer so the recipient may choose what they want.
5. Do not get bothered too much
Getting too bothered about gift-giving will spoil the mood. Don’t be over-stressed, and remain observant. Observant in the sense, if the receiver is a regular visitor, or you have been to their home a few times and you can sense they need a particular thing in their house, gift them that. By doing so, you seem as a thoughtful person and readily gift them the thing as they do not use the same. It increases the bond and makes the relationship even stronger.
6. Do charity instead
In the name of the receiver, do some charity instead. Let them know about the same. This is a way better option than the gift-giving part. It will help those in need and not waste money on materialistic things which we already have in plenty. On such occasions, this is an excellent thing to do, and being close to humanity. You and the receiver both will be happy by doing so.
7. Offer to invest the money

Regarding gift-giving, investing money in the name of the receiver is another thoughtful idea. An investment like an F.D. in a bank, a SIP, or buying some shares of a reputed brand are the best gifts. They keep on increasing as the market functions and are a great option for productive gift-giving. You can be such creative that will be of immense help to the receiver and will remember you for good.
8. Set a limit on thinking
If you think of giving something by purchasing it from the store, visit a limited number of stores, calculate the prices of gift articles, and decide according to your budget. Limit the number of shops to visit to avoid confusion and anxiety, and watch the prices too to not go overboard and do something extra which is not needed.
Giving gifts is a joyful activity, we share smiles, hugs, and warmth via giving gifts. Stressing about the same and getting anxious will spoil the whole thought process and not make you think properly. Also, keep in mind, giving an expensive gift isn’t a sign of status or luxury. Give them according to your budget, and do not hesitate about the worth of it. The price doesn’t matter, the feelings and thoughts of gifting matter. Gifts are materialistic, while feelings, emotions, and bonds are always real.
Also Read: 10 Tips to Destress and Reduce Anxiety