Sleep Gummies: 22 Out of 25 of Such Products Were Found to be Mislabelled

22 Out of 25 melatonin products Products Were Found to be Mislabelled: Sleep Gummies | The Lifesciences Magazine

A new study has found that 22 out of 25 melatonin products in the United States were mislabelled, raising concerns about the accuracy and safety of over-the-counter dietary supplements.

Melatonin is a hormone that is naturally produced by the body and is responsible for regulating sleep-wake cycles. It is also commonly used as a dietary supplement to treat Sleep disorders such as insomnia and jet lag. However, the regulation of melatonin supplements is limited, and many products are available without a prescription.

The study, conducted by researchers at the University of Guelph in Canada, analysed 25 melatonin products purchased from different retailers in the United States. The products were tested for melatonin content, as well as for the presence of serotonin, which can be harmful in large doses.

What do the results say?

The results were concerning. Of the 25 products tested, only three were found to contain the amount of melatonin listed on the label. The remaining 22 products were found to contain either too little or too much melatonin. melatonin products contained no melatonin at all, while others contained up to 478% of the labelled amount.

In addition, five of the products were found to contain serotonin, a neurotransmitter that can cause severe side effects such as agitation, confusion, and seizures when taken in high doses.

The researchers noted that mislabelling of melatonin products is a widespread issue and could have serious consequences for consumers. Individuals who take melatonin supplements may be unaware of the actual amount of the hormone they are consuming, which could lead to ineffective treatment or unexpected side effects.

The mislabelling of melatonin supplements is also a concern for individuals who take other medications or have underlying health conditions. Melatonin can interact with certain medications, including blood thinners and sedatives, and can exacerbate certain medical conditions such as diabetes and depression.

The study’s findings highlight the need for increased regulation and oversight of dietary supplements. In the United States, the regulation of dietary supplements is governed by the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA), which places the burden of ensuring the safety and efficacy of supplements on the manufacturer rather than the government.

What do the critics have to say?

Critics argue that this regulatory framework is inadequate, and that more needs to be done to ensure the safety and accuracy of dietary supplements. Some have called for stricter labelling requirements, as well as increased testing and enforcement of supplement quality.

The researchers behind the melatonin study also emphasized the need for increased consumer education about the risks and benefits of dietary supplements. Many individuals may turn to supplements as a quick fix for health issues, without fully understanding the potential risks and limitations of these melatonin products.

As consumers become more aware of the risks associated with dietary supplements, there may be a shift towards more natural and holistic approaches to health and wellness. This could include lifestyle changes such as exercise and diet modifications, as well as alternative therapies such as acupuncture and meditation.

In the meantime, consumers who are considering taking melatonin supplements should be cautious and do their research. They should look for melatonin products that have been independently tested for quality and purity and should consult with a healthcare professional before taking any new supplements.

Overall, the study’s findings are a wake-up call for the supplement industry and highlight the need for increased regulation and oversight to ensure the safety and efficacy of dietary supplements.

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